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Unnofficial Filez Mod

Author 2ramil
#1 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 06:21
Because my friend has set this lovely board and wanted to use file's attaching, i've written this mod. It's not similar to extisting official paid mod, it's like poll addon (e.g. not to attach to post), but i think it will be useful for free sites (like mine :) ), which haven't money for paid plugin :). So, i have full install's explanation only on russian, but i'll translate it to english if someone will ask me :)

topic-in-russian here

And, it's only beta version, so it's full of bugs, i really know it! you can reply me at in russian or here, but on english

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 06:42
Why avatar isn't shown on your forums? It's your first bug :-)

I think, what you have programmed (or re-invented the bicycle), is in many way similar to our storage addon, which will be released also on a paid basis soon. It's also not similar to the existing file upload addon, but it doesn't mean it's not useful. As you see, we ourselves prefer to use file upload storage library, not attachment-style file functions; but both methods have their own pros and cons.

What I like to see, is the demo version of your addon. You offer to install it in this thread, but do not offer to see in action. I would like to see it in action before installing.

Author 2ramil
#3 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 07:07
I think, what you have programmed (or re-invented the bicycle), is in many way similar to our storage addon, which will be released also on a paid basis soon. It's also not similar to the existing file upload addon, but it doesn't mean it's not useful. As you see, we ourselves prefer to use file upload storage library, not attachment-style file functions; but both methods have their own pros and cons.

u right :) as i've written in the first topic, i wrote it for users, who can't pay
for your official paid addon, for example, for me ;)

What I like to see, is the demo version of your addon. You offer to install it in this thread, but do not offer to see in action. I would like to see it in action before installing.

haven't u read all the topic?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 07:52

i wrote it for users, who can't pay for your official paid addon, for example, for me

I think, you're a person who is much more rich than me. I know standard programming rate for such kind of work is from $10 (3rd world countries) up to $80/hour. How much time have you spent on the developing? I doubt you spent less than 3 hours programming/studying it. Programming storage addon, I've spent about 30 hours in total, plus the time for testing/fixing the errors; programming file attachments/galleries addon, I've spent more than 60 hours in total, and the development still continues.

So, for example, if you spent about, let's say, 8 hours for your rough work, you gave away $10*8 = $80. Woudn't be 3'times less expensive to buy a ready, stable, proved and nice solution instead? I'm sure you can pay, as everybody else, for such kind of solutions, if you analyze your time, but you do not want to pay.

I would say this is an addon for the for users, who don't want to pay for our official paid addon. Accordingly, they don't want to get any kind of quality support, they don't want possible errors fixed immediately.

Ok, I found the link to the files, but... I don't want to register to upload any file and see how it works. I want to stay anonymous and just try to upload some file. Is this possible?

Author 2ramil
#5 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 07:59
I would say this is an addon for the for users, who don't want to pay for our official paid addon. Accordingly, they don't want to get any kind of quality support, they don't want possible errors fixed immediately.

and this too :)

I want to stay anonymous and just try to upload some file. Is this possible?

i think yes, because if every guest will can upload files, what will be?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 08:36
Study our storage addon - it's allowed for guests to post files. That's the one of the main differences in comparision of file upload & image galleries addon, where only members are allowed to attach files.

What will be? Nothing, if this program is secure :-)

Author Moony
#7 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 15:31
i wrote it for users, who can't pay
for your official paid addon, for example, for me ;)

Do not tell me that a site owner cannot pay 10-30$ for a very useful plugin for his site. It is a price of a dinner in a Moscow cafe.

Author Serg
#8 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 18:08
Do not tell me that a site owner cannot pay 10-30$ for a very useful plugin for his site
Such situations are not uncommon. No job, no income. But functional site is needed. Unfortunately, I know this very well. Trust me.

Author tom322
Active Member
#9 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 23:21
One should be happy the prices are not in Euros like most companies from Europe. Paying in dollar is still a good price.

Author 2ramil
#10 · Posted: 9 Dec 2006 03:02
OK, enough money discussion, but what about mod? Have anyone downloaded/tested it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 11 Dec 2006 03:48
I already wrote - I don't want to register at your forums just for testing it. I think, most people think the same.

Or maybe nobody wants to test it just knowing he won't use it? :-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 14 Dec 2006 09:49
By the way, I've paid your attention to the missing avatar image, and it's still on the place... Don't you think this little details is confusing a lot? If you have broken images on your forums, what kind of quality can you offer in the developing of files upload modification?..

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 Unnofficial Filez Mod
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