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$registerInactiveUsers=TRUE; registered users become inactive until approved by admin

Author pinktoque
#1 · Posted: 16 Dec 2006 09:54
From the manual/config file:

//$registerInactiveUsers=TRUE; If you want all registered users become inactive until you accept them. Used for manual user activity acceptions. If activity field's value in database is "1", user is able to make new topics, posts and another operations on forum. If "0", user is able only to login, but not use anything. It means his account is in database, but has been blocked for a while.

My question is ... where is the 'activity field' value at so I can set it to 0?

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 16 Dec 2006 11:28
I think in PHP

FALSE=0 and TRUE=1


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 16 Dec 2006 15:00
'activity' field is in your minibbtable_users database's table...

Author sardon
#4 · Posted: 5 Sep 2011 12:28
well, I juste have configured following the manual.. I am using the :


in setup_options.php file, so that "all registered users become inactive until you accept them", but users received the confirmation e-mail before I accept them (what I called validation)

It seems that some people have problems with understanding that receiving the e-mail with the password does not mean that the user has been validated by the administrator..

so I am wondering how I can configure miniBB to send the e-mail with the password only when new users pas been validated

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 5 Sep 2011 13:20
Ok. So with that option, all users become inactive by default, but even when you make them active, their username/password data won't change. Even if they have got that in email, what is so critical in it? You can edit the email template to put a note, that user account will be activated in 24 hours and THEN they will be able to use the data they received.

It seems that some people have problems with understanding that receiving the e-mail with the password does not mean that the user has been validated by the administrator..
Exactly. Modify email template and lets you users KNOW about it.

If you would like to send user an email notification upon his activation, that's another story. I think, a specific add-on will be needed for that, miniBB doesn't contain this by default, as it's a very, very rare option! All accounts should be opened by default, that will save lots of your time. And if you run the small board, then you don't even have to think about such small details...

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 $registerInactiveUsers=TRUE; registered users become inactive until approved by admin
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