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Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 26 Dec 2006 08:13
I wish there was a way we could like click on one topic and then just go to another without having to click back and them click on another one. That would be so much easier.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 26 Dec 2006 10:56
You can't even imagine how difficult "next/previous" topic algorithm is. I wrote one paid addon recently, spending about 1 month on its development. If we do not take into attention sticky topics, the algorithm for determining next or previous topic is simple and requires only 2 SQL requests; in any other case it is required to introduce additional tables for each forum. I doubt we will implement something like this by default; but if you need this feature, it is available for sale...

Author Moony
#3 · Posted: 26 Dec 2006 13:36
Paul has done an exellent job, writing this plugin for my website.

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 26 Dec 2006 22:10
Paul has done an exellent job, writing this plugin for my website.

What is your website? I would like to see an example. Thanks for posting.

Author Moony
#5 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 01:47
Anonymous, you can see an example on my forum at the end of every post:

But it will be a bit difficult for you, because my website is in Russian.

Author tom322
Active Member
#6 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 12:28
It looks very good - I wonder how many database requests it takes though..?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 12:48
It takes 2-3 additional SQL requests depending on sorting options; all are very quick, but additional database tables are needed. They are also created "on the fly" and re-created each time when topic operation completes (deleting, moving, editing etc.)

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 12:55
OK, thank you - that makes sense.

Author Anonymous
#9 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 18:25
I can't wait!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 2 Jan 2007 04:44

I've set up this addon on minibbtest so everybody can see it in action.

Please note it works with default database structure there, so additional tables are not created. That means it calculates previous or next topic's ID basing on default DB structure. If there are some sticky topics in the forum, they are shown in the list of all topics sorted by latest post ID (default for all guests) or topic ID (if user is logged in and his sorting option is set to "new topics").

If you want sticky topics are taken into attention first, you will need to specify $customTopicSort option separately for each forum. For example:

6=>array('sticky DESC, topic_last_post_id DESC', 'Most recent reply'),
5=>array('sticky DESC, topic_last_post_id DESC', 'Most recent reply')


mySQL user access also should allow CREATE and DROP commands in the case when temporary tables are created.

The sale price for this addon is $14,99. Contact me privately to get payment details (2checkout or PayPal). We are not going to release this specific thing for the public, so it will remain kind of "exclusive" addon for those who really need it.

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