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subscribe to a thread without posting a reply

Author afescape
#1 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 06:19
Hi, we have a forum that is used by around 50 club members and I would like to enable this feature for people to subscribe to a thread even if they are not posting a reply. We run our own dedicated server and do not expect this to increase email traffice too much (!)

I am fairly new to PHP and to minibb so if there is anybody who would be kind enough to detail the code that would be necessary to add in order to create a "subscribe to topic without posting" button and also advise which file that should be placed in that would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 06:29
I would like to enable this feature for people to subscribe to a thread even if they are not posting a reply

Set up/enable $emptySubscribe=TRUE; in setup_options.php.

You will need also to change the button's text from "Post message" to "Post message or Subscribe". Variable is eng.php (language pack) - $l_sub_post_msg

All miniBB emailing options ($genEmailDisable=0; $emailusers=1 or 2) should be enabled as well. Users will see email notifications box below the message area and will be able to check the box without typing the message for subscribing to the thread.

Author stormie
#3 · Posted: 8 Feb 2008 04:47
Hi, I don't know if this helped 'afescape' but i am not getting the check-box and i'm not sure about where the members email will come....i am going to check the box on this thread now to see what happens but if you could post a bit more detail for me that would be great....i will be posting elswhere about the captcha in a few hours too, Thanks paul.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 8 Feb 2008 08:31
On this board it is not possible to simply subscribe to the topic because we have this setting turned off.

Setting only $emptySubscribe option is not enough of course. You also need to set

$genEmailDisable=0; // to enable emailing in general
$emailusers=1; // or 2 - to enable users to subscribe to the topics

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 subscribe to a thread without posting a reply
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