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Administrator approving new users?

Author SpeedStick
#1 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 17:22
Hello, friends!
I am with serious problems with false users!

How to make with that a new user only can post after the approval of administrator?

After approval of the administrator, as to send an email for the user informing?

I don´t know if I was clearly, I don´t know to write in English!

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 17:53

Author SpeedStick
#3 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 21:01
I cannot pay, man.


Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 21:17
I cannot pay, man.
You get a transaction error? :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 03:54
I think SpeedStick is just unable to pay because he wants to get EVERYTHING free :-)

But anyway, there is a free solution.

First of all, set $registerInactiveUsers=TRUE; in setup_options.php so this setting remains uncommented.

Second, enable $emailadmin=1; in setup_options.php, so admin will receive an email about new user's registration.

Third, modify email_admin_userregister_eng.txt template and paste URL to user's profile. Like{$indexphp}action=userinfo&user={$insres}

When you as admin receive a message, you will be able to click on this link straight away (but you need to be logged in as admin of course).

Additionally, modify $l_thankYouReg var of language pack and add the sentense about users become active after approval. Something like:

$l_thankYouReg='Thank you very much for registering! Your registration is forwarded to our administrator for approval. Only after approval you will be able to sign in use our forums in full mode. It could take from 24 to 72 hours for this.';

Everything above made will work out the following: when user signs up, his account is blocked immediately. However, clicking on the link in notification link, you will see "Member" - "Yes/No" menu (when logged in as admin of course); if needed, you need to click on a "Yes" link and activate the user.

True additional code is needed if you want to notify the user his account has been unblocked, but I think this is a custom question already, and if you can't pay, you need to work on it yourself.

Author SpeedStick
#6 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 07:44

Forgives the interest! I do not want everything free!

I don´t know to program! The panel of MiniBB is very empty! Different of the Invision Board for example!

I find that the support of the MiniBB is here for taking off doubts of beginning..

I do not want to occupy its time or to steal ideas. was not the objective.


Author tom322
Active Member
#7 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 09:53
It seems Paul's solution would be very useful for you, SpeedStick and solves your initial question completely. I don't think it's hard to implement it yourself, and it's free :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 15:22
The panel of MiniBB is very empty! Different of the Invision Board for example!

I don't understand why it should be like invision. What did you think about when you paid attention to the title miniBB? It will be like Invision but 10 times smaller? ;-)

Nobody is forcing you to use miniBB anyway. Use Invision ang get your server killed in a month.

I don´t know to program!

then hire the person who knows how to program... despite I don't know how you are going to hold a website without even a knowledge of how to copy and paste the suggested code... I could say "I don't know how to fix a broken TV antenna", but that doesn't mean I will fix the antenna myself. I will hire a professional person. Everybody is doing his own things.

I find that the support of the MiniBB is here for taking off doubts of beginning.. I do not want to occupy its time or to steal ideas. was not the objective.

Sorry it's written in so sleazy English that I can't understand what do you mean. And I don't understand what exactly you could try to steal if it's stolen already :-D ha-ha

Author Nherm
#9 · Posted: 15 Feb 2008 03:42
Third, modify email_admin_userregister_eng.txt template and paste URL to user's profile. Like{$indexphp}action=userinfo&user={$insres}

When you as admin receive a message, you will be able to click on this link straight away (but you need to be logged in as admin of course).

Ok, so I dont quite get this part of your advice (Idiot I am)...

So where I paste that link? I quite didn't get it.... So I have to log in as admin and that pop-up appears or do I have a link in the e-mail which i'v got?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 15 Feb 2008 04:43
email_admin_userregister_eng.txt template is located under templates/ folder of the default package, so you need to modify that file...

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 Administrator approving new users?
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