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Link to Message Anchor

Author harootun
#1 · Posted: 10 Feb 2007 15:08
I'm sure this one is simple, but I can't figure it out. I would like to point a link to a specific message on a topic in my forum.

On this forum, when you click on the "#" that appears in every post, the page in the browser moves to that anchor (so it is at the top of the browser). On my site, the page doesn't move in the browser when you click on the "#".

On this forum, the link to the "#' contains (as a random example):

On my site, the "#" contains extra info:
(http:)// 6#msg32

How do I adjust this and set it up properly? Do I need to insert an {$anchor} into my main_post_cells.html?

Sorry for my ignorance. I have tried to look in the manual and on this board to figure it out myself, but haven't had any luck. I'm sure it's there but I missed it!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 11 Feb 2007 03:19
It would be smart from your side just to check original main_post_cells.html template and to know what you are missing in your modified file ;-)

What we have now for the anchor being working correctly, is the tag:

<a name="msg{$cols[6]}"></a>

So the anchor link is:

<a href="#msg{$cols[6]}">#</a>

So msg{$cols[6]} is the variable you need to paste.

Author harootun
#3 · Posted: 11 Feb 2007 09:57
Thanks, Paul. As you figured out, it was once again my own stupidity -- I mucked about with the original main_post_cells.html and took out the <a name="msg{$cols[6]}" that was wrapped around the {$postername}, and that got rid of the anchor.

Sorry to waste everyone's time!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 11 Feb 2007 10:35
No problem, hope this thread will be useful for somebody else as well.

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 Link to Message Anchor
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