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Restore Admin when you cannot login at all

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 2 Mar 2007 08:25
I cant login and i have tried re-encrypting the MD5 in order to get Admin back however that hasnt worked either. So i am in a position where i cannot log in, i cant change admin, and i dont want to reinstall because ill probably end up loosing everything.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 2 Mar 2007 12:35
?? But the login details are in plain text - in setup_options.php.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 3 Mar 2007 04:32
What re-encrypting the MD5 does mean?

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 08:46
coincidently I am having the same problem. My hosting company moved my account to another server and now I can't login as administrator anymore. I checked permissions on all the files, I looked in setup_options and the admin info there is correct and the same as what I'm trying to use.

Strangely I can log in to post and it shows it was me, it just doesn't let me into the admin section. Any ideas???

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 09:29
Have you read this?

Admin Login troubles

Author Anonymous
#6 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 09:50
# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 09:29 - Edited by: Paul
Reply Quote

Have you read this?

Admin Login troubles

Just looked that over, rechecked my files against all that, nothing out of place. It worked fine until my account was moved to a new server. Everything else about miniBB is working properly, I can navigate, sign in and post, just no access to admin, even though the very username and password it is accepting for me to log in to post is the one specified in the setup file. I've double checked that all files are present. It's a mystery. What happens if I reinstall, will I lose everything or will it all be safe in the database?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 10:03
Do not reinstall... I am almost sure the trouble is before your eyes.

Have you checked cookie settings?

Have you tried to log-in from forums as admin? If you have a luck to log-in from forums, I don't understand why you could simply click on the "Admin panel" link and enter the admin area, it should work...

Author Anonymous
#8 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 10:19
yes on cookies...

That's what's weird, I am logged in, if I post it shows it as being from me, not anon. But there is no link for the admin panel as there used to be.

Additionally, there is no link to delete posts or topics as there used to be, and it doesn't display ip's of posters as it should when logged in as admin.

If I load the bb_admin.php page directly I get the prompt to login, but when I try there I get this msg:
"You need to enter your admin login to view this area"

Yet I am using the EXACT user/pass I always have and the same one specified in the setup file

Author Anonymous
#9 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 22:32
no other ideas.... anyone? The spambot posts are piling up and I can't get in to delete them!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 22 Mar 2007 04:40
But there is no link for the admin panel as there used to be.

That could mean your admin login/password specified in setup_options.php DO NOT correspond to the data in database. You need to enter login and password as they are specified in setup_options.php. Be sure to specify human latin alphabet sybmols, it often happens people specify specific characters and can't login 'cause they are entered in the wrong encoding.

Author Anonymous
#11 · Posted: 22 Mar 2007 09:26
is there a way to reset from within the database? I definately am enetering EXACTLY what is in the setup_options.php file. (it's just simple numbers and letters, no characters) The thing is there is no reason why any of this should have changed, it worked fine for months then I was moved to a different server and it stopped working. But ONLY the admin login is not working, everything else bout miniBB is functioning normally. So it makes no sense to me.

Is there anything I can try from within the database?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 22 Mar 2007 12:49
The admin authorization (by default) done regarding ONLY what you have in setup_options.php file. It doesn't matter a lot what you have in database. However, the user ID in database for the admin should be always 1. If it will be other ID, you won't be able to log-in.

I can't determine remotely what kind of problem is there, but I would recommend you to install a temporary copy of miniBB from scratch and see, either admin's login will work. If it will - the problem is somewhere on your side...

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 09:15
ok, on a whim I downloaded firefox just to see if maybe... (I've alwasy just used MS Explorer)

Sure enough in firefox I had admin control again.

So new question is now... what might be going on that it doesn't give me admin acess in MSE evenn though it signs me in and if I post it shows my status as administrator under my usr name on posts?

Keep inn mind, I didn't change annything on my own computer or setting in MSE or anything, but the hosting company did move my account to a different server and that's when this problem began. Any ideas?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 12:54
No ideas. The only one correct thing is that MS Explorer is the reason of your fault.

Try to check security settings - it's a known fact they often don't allow to enter even the approved sites... maybe you'll need to add your site to approved sites as well.

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 Restore Admin when you cannot login at all
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