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Forums Checker

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Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 1 Aug 2006 12:55
Renaming Checker?

I've bought the Checker addon and now I would like to know if i can rename it to, for example, to Latest or something like that.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 1 Aug 2006 15:00
Do you mean - to change title? If yes, feel free to modify it on your wish.

Author ianjpage
#3 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 10:42

Have had a search but cannot see anything that matches the problem we are having!

Basically we have just moved hosting providers completely, so all the files were downloaded then re-uplaoded and all seems to be working fine on the forum apart from one thing - when you go into the Checker and mark everything as read, the number of topics goes down, but then once you have cleared the last ones - they ALL come back again.

This is happening to all users of our forum, so i dont believe it to be user specific (i have tried removing the relevant <userid>.php file in the checker's folder with no difference).

Any ideas why it would be doing this?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 11:21
Be sure you have set the appropriate permissions for the Checker's folder again (and for the all files in this folder as well... they must have 0777 permissions on Linux, for example - the same for the folder).

I am sure everything works fine on our side - I've moved past year the same way as you and restored Checker's folder successfully just re-setting the permissions.

Try to contact your new provider if you're unfamiliar with how to do it yourself.

Author ianjpage
#5 · Posted: 22 Feb 2007 16:29
Hi Paul

OK thanks for that - have checked and the permissions wernt set to 777 - have set the Checker and all files within that folder to 777 now and unfortunately am still having the same issue

Any other thoughts?

Many thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:38
Unfortunatelly without deep investigating I can not determine what the reason is. Additionally I would say be sure you don't have Safe Mode, because there might be some issues related.

I suppose Checker's data is not so important, so you could try also to create a completely new folder, give it necessary permissions and specify it in program's options; then try to use it from scratch. If it will work, the problem is somewhere in the wrong permissions...

Author ianjpage
#7 · Posted: 20 Mar 2007 17:51
paul ok thanks for that - will try and see......

Author Vishal
#8 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 05:37
I have both premoderation addon and checker. I saw that posts that are deleted through premoderation addon still exists in the checker queue. How to prevent this?

Update: Ok I learned that if I delete messages through premoderation addon first and then access Checker, the deleted posts do not exist in the Checker's queue. I guess working other way around does not clear the cache created by Checker.

Author Vishal
#9 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 10:24

Can you please explain more about the following variables:

//amount of stored/checked topics can not be bigger than this; else new replies won't be proceeded

//if there are more than 'previewPostsMax' posts, they won't be displayed under topic's title

Regarding $previewPostsMax, say if there are more than 10 replies, will they be shown after check-out or not shown at all?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 12:50
Yes, Сhecker stores all unread messages in Cache SINCE you have entered the tool. Even if the message has been deleted on forums, it WILL NOT be deleted in your Checker queue (and the Cache won't be refreshed correspondigly to that message). Else there would be no sense to keep/generate such cache at all.

About the settings:

$limitTopics - this value only sets the maximum of topics the user may specify to view per page (under "Settings" menu). If user will specify larger number, it will be reset to 30.

$previewPostsMax - works only if you check the "Short preview" box. Only first $previewPostsMax previews will be shown under the topic title, if there are more than $previewPostsMax new messages posted for certain topic.

Author Vishal
#11 · Posted: 26 Mar 2007 23:56
Thanks Paul! Another question. I saw that for some topics even though the count in New Replies section is showing as 3, only 2 previews are displayed. It's only for some topics. When I visit the topic in question, the first reply among new replies is not displayed.

My settings are:


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 27 Mar 2007 03:58
It's difficult to say why it happens, until you can say precisely why and when this happens so I could repeat it on my side.

Actually it could happen when you've got the cache for some "state" on forums, and this cache is kept, at the time new reply already has been done. The count of new replies is NOT kept in cache, it is generated each time when you refresh the tool. But the previews are kept in cache.

Author Vishal
#13 · Posted: 3 Apr 2007 04:44
How is it possible to make urls live in message previews? Being an admin, it helps in quick identification of self-serving links.

Author tom322
Active Member
#14 · Posted: 3 Apr 2007 11:41
How is it possible to make urls live in message previews? Being an admin, it helps in quick identification of self-serving links.
If the message is long you'll still have to open the message to check it (unless you'll set somehow that the whole messages are visible in previews, but that wouldn't be practical at all)..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 3 Apr 2007 11:48
There is no optional setting way, but you may try to modify the addon_checker.php file, locate this fragment:

if(strlen($pText)>$previewPostsLength) $pText=textFilter($pText,$previewPostsLength,$post_text_maxlength,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE).'...+';

and after this line paste:


It is a very rough solution and for implementing it correct way it will be probably needed to create more heavy algorithm.

In general I think self-serving links could be easy identified just reading the post :-) At least I could determine it... when there's no content related message or something like this.

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 Forums Checker
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