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LaTeX equations, Code environment [3rd Party]

Author rhizod
#1 · Posted: 23 Jan 2006 22:48

* LaTeX addon:
I have created an 'LaTeX' addon to let posters add equations to their their miniBB posts. The addon uses the mimetex cgi binary ( ). You enter equations inside [tex][/tex] BBcodes using the LaTeX typesetting language (see the mimetex link for examples and further info).

* Code addon:
I took the solution I developed for the LaTeX addon to avoid any smiley and bbcode replacement inside the [tex] bbcodes, and also made it to work as a separate 'plain proportional text' addon. Hence, the Code addon basically does the same as the "official" 'preformatted text solution', but with the addition of not subsituting bbcodes and smileys inside the [code][/code] environment. Very convinient, especially if you happen to discuss markup code...

The addons are available for download from here:

Hope you find them useful,

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 24 Jan 2006 08:09

We have put your links in our Downloads section, so it's up to you to update these plugins, if some bugs will be found inside.

Author rhizod
#3 · Posted: 24 Jan 2006 20:11
Thanks for adding me to the official lists,

I will fix the addons if someone reports a bug.

Author crystalclear
#4 · Posted: 9 Apr 2007 17:21
I emailed the mimeTeX guys suggesting they provide executables for common OSs as well as the source code to compile.

[tex]\Large f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^x e^{-t^2}dt[/tex]

LOL :))

Author crystalclear
#5 · Posted: 10 Apr 2007 15:26
OK, I have it working
The instructions were good and pretty much spot on.

I had one slight hickup, where the instructions said to extract the button from the ZIP file into the IMG directory. When I noticed the button wasn't working, I found that the button was in a directory forum/img/img.

This is because the ZIP file presumably extracted to the subdirectory IMG and I had followed the instructions and extracted to forum/img, thus resulting in the file incorrectly going to forum/img/img.

In the search for a free windows compiler I came across CYGWIN. I installed that and compiled mimetex with it. As well as generating an executable, I need a CYGWIN.DLL for things to run properly.

I am experimenting (without success) with a compiler option -mno-cygwin in order to create a standalone mimetex.cgi executable that can be transfered to other computers running the same OS, with the intention of maybe handing that back to mimetex guys, so other people can use the add-on without having to install C comilers etc.

Official Addons and Solutions miniBB Support Forums / Official Addons and Solutions /
 LaTeX equations, Code environment [3rd Party]
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