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Few addons update because of CSRF/XSRF vulnerability

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 7 Jun 2007 10:24
As reported previously and because miniBB version 2.0.5 has been released, the discovered CSRF vulnerability allows attacker to force administrative persons delete some data without their allowance. Recently, all miniBB addons also have been updated regarding this issue.

They include:

Moving replies (contains update regarding avatar addon only, addon_movepost2.php + bb_plugins.code)

File Upload
File Storage
Polls & Surveys

Despite the discovered vulnerability has a medium level, we recommend everybody to upgrade to the new version and update all addons as well.

The mentioned addons are now compatible ONLY with the latest release 2.0.5.

Premium addons customers are welcome to get newest versions entering the customer area.

Author Karel II
#2 · Posted: 8 Jun 2007 00:21
Thanks for the update. As for Polls & Surveys, is it already "compatible" with Human Authorize add-on (and vice versa)? (I would like to solve as many things possible with as few pre-paid downloads as possible :) ).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 8 Jun 2007 03:27
Yes, Polls addon (version 1.0.1) and Captcha module (version 1.2) presented in Customers area are currently compatible.

Sorry for still not announcing this... I know Polls addon has been not mentioned in News by this time, but this all because I just would like to work on some other things before. I hope to announce and clarify all that things in the nearest future.

News miniBB Support Forums / News /
 Few addons update because of CSRF/XSRF vulnerability
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