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Custom Private Messaging addon problem

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Author Anonymous
#16 · Posted: 2 Aug 2007 10:36
I have the private messaging code in bb_plugins at the very end. I am using just about all the add-ons and they all work great. I tried to delete messages from inside the message but it does the same thing. It just brings me back to the private messaging screen with nothing deleted. Is there some editing to the form.js file I need to be doing? I haven't edited any of the template files.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 2 Aug 2007 13:48
I suppose this also might happen if you have not updated your forums for so called "CSRF issue"... be sure you have the latest miniBB release properly updated. Specially be sure index.php contains definition of the variable $csrfchk. If it's not defined, many deletion operations will fail.

Author Anonymous
#18 · Posted: 4 Aug 2007 12:39
yeah i have the most recent files, crsf is defined in the index.php file. where is the function/code for the actions in the drop down menu? Its like its not even passing any on and just refreshes the page. Is there an update for this plugin coming out soon?

Author tom322
Active Member
#19 · Posted: 4 Aug 2007 12:43
where is the function/code for the actions in the drop down menu?

Is there an update for this plugin coming out soon?
Why release update of something that should work well? :}

Author Anonymous
#20 · Posted: 4 Aug 2007 12:58
OK i got it to work but shouldn't have. I took out line 66 in addon_pmail.php which is

if($csrfchk!=$_COOKIE[$cookiename.'_csrfchk']) $chkAct='';

and everything works now. Do you have any idea why?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#21 · Posted: 6 Aug 2007 09:51
I already informed you this is the CSRF issue problem...

It's not the best solution to take off this line, however if it works you could leave it as it is and hope that hackers will not use this hole.

I don't know what the exact reason could be, I could investigate it only on your side getting FTP information and analyzing files of your forums, but this, as solving of any custom problem, fits only in our paid support.

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 Custom Private Messaging addon problem
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