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Users can't login - the page just refreshes

Author Karry
#1 · Posted: 6 Aug 2007 14:10
Hi everyone,

I've got a problem and although I've tried and searched the forums, I haven't find any solution.

The problem is that when a regular (registered, not admin) user wants to login, the page just refreshes and nothing happens, just the values disappear from the login form.

When admin tries to login, everything works perfectly; if wrong password is entered for admin, error message appears.
If anyone enters a username under which no one has signed up (that username is not in the database), that username stays in the form even after trying to login, no message appears.
- That all means this works perfectly, I guess...

It's the same with trying to login not from index but from a concrete thread. Admin may post and login with no problem, anonymous user who just types a nickname has their message sent with their nick but when registered user types a message, username and password, the message is sent as from Anonymous.

I had thought there could be a problem with cookies but all the setting seems to be fine...


I believe that I had only changed the things which I had been told to change...
If anyone wanted to know... the site is

Well - does anyone know what could be the problem?

If anyone helps - Thank you very much

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 7 Aug 2007 05:56
I can login - just been registered under nickname "gaga" and posted there.

I also saw somebody posted under "Rowena" nickname.

It could be your browser problem. Which browser do you use?

Author Karry
#3 · Posted: 7 Aug 2007 08:17
Well, the problem's solved.

I don't suppose it would be something new here - "What the hell a stupid mistake it was" :D

Thank you very much for your time and effort - anyway, it was your nick which made me solve it :))
The problem was somehow in capitalization, any capital letter made it impossible to login :-\
I had already before found the loginsCase variable in the Manual but I had somehow got the feeling that it had been commented - well, it was not but now, when I have set it to false, everything works perfectly...

And I still feel I should explain - Rowena is admin username ;)

So - Thanks ... and... uhm, Sorry :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 7 Aug 2007 08:48
Ok, that's fine ;-)

Anyway if you would found this thread, you would see a remark about CAPS mode...

Feel free to remove my account from your forums.

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 Users can't login - the page just refreshes
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