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Bridge for Joomla and Drupal

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 2 Sep 2007 01:16
I am not a programmer. I am a web designer. A client wants to integrate (a) Joomla 1.5 and MiniBB and (2) Drupal 5.2 and MiniBB. I could not find a bridge. I found just old discussion on it.

The bridge should share user information and one login for same session.

Neither my client nor I know about further requirements. He is good in using these products as content creator. So, he needs out of box soltuion.
just like adding a plugin in MiniBB or a plugin in Joomla or a module in Drupal.

Can MiniBB offer a solution for fees? If yes, what will be the approximate cost? If it cannot be posted here, can you please send the quote directly to my client please? His address is <cut>. Name: <cut>.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 3 Sep 2007 03:45
First, I don't understand why you need BOTH Joomla and Drupal. So far I know these systems are both CMS, and you need to choose only one product.

miniBB then could be integrated with the system you choose (i.e. it will use the existing members table). Starting cost for such bridge comes from our standard price list and is US $55. It could cost more, if it will take more time to work on it, however despite I never studied nor Drupal nor Joomla authorization algorithms, I hope they are similar to what other systems provide.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 3 Sep 2007 04:09
Thanks for you post and mail.

He wants to build two websites - one with Drupal and another with joomla.

Even though Drupal has a built in forum, we like MiniBB. Joomla +SMF bridge is avaiable. However for these two websites we want to use MiniBB.

So I ssume it is going to be $55(for Joomla 1.5)+$55 (Drupal 5.2)+amount for extra time. I will be in touch with you once client says ok.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 3 Sep 2007 04:32
Yes, for each system there will be different kind of bridge and working rate.

Please note you will need to install both systems under the desired URL, becuase integration / synchronization could be done only when you already have a running site with some live accounts.

It is also possible to build such bridge with the latest versions of the systems, if we install them on our servers locally first, and provide you the final solutions on which files to replate in the default miniBB installation to let it work with the CMS, but it could take more time that's why it could be a bit more expensive.

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 3 Sep 2007 04:44
Ok. The websites are in conceptual stage. I will install the CMS and MiniBB on different websites, create a few dummy accounts in CMS and then contact you.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 3 Sep 2007 05:38
Ok, I will wait. Please contact me by email or the contact form. Thank you in advance.

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 Bridge for Joomla and Drupal
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