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Integration with phparcadescript

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 19 Sep 2007 16:04

My site is constructed of multiple installations of phparcadescript ( I have a main installation that allows login but the rest of the installations will not display the login box. Users login on the main and become logged into the rest - 11 in all! It works a treat. When a new user signs up I manually enter them into the all the databases that each installation uses. Doesn't take long to do though no-doubt it could well be made a great deal easier. What I am wondering is can't something similar be done with minibb. The phparcadescript uses sessions. To be honest I am not sure what these are but as far as I understand it a cookie is still created but has a limited life span. How hard would it be to make minibb read the same cookie or session? I could manually enter all the new signups to the minibb database so as long as it can read the same session or cookie as phparcadescript it should login anyone logging into the rest of my site? Is this feasible?

( My site
( One of my multiple minibb forums

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 20 Sep 2007 02:54
miniBB could use your common users database to take out the user's login information, and further modifying bb_cookie.php you could achieve that it uses/sets the authorization data of your site. PHP skills are required.

You may study this article for more:

Forum membership integration into 3rt party script

We ourselves are providing paid support regarding the subject. Implementation of the login routine starts from $55.

Master Class miniBB Support Forums / Master Class /
 Integration with phparcadescript
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