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Author maxtat
#1 · Posted: 5 Dec 2007 10:54
I noticed that spammers have their names and "From" field the same. So I've added this string to the beginning of bb_func_regusr.php

if (isset($_POST['login']) && $_POST['login']==$_POST['from']) die ('Fatal error. U R a spammer.');

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 5 Dec 2007 13:01
I noticed that spammers have their names and "From" field the same. So I've added this string to the beginning of bb_func_regusr.php

if (isset($_POST['login']) && $_POST['login']==$_POST['from']) die ('Fatal error. U R a spammer.');

Do you mean robot spams or manual spammers?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 11 Dec 2007 10:15
I noticed that spammers have their names and "From" field the same.

I am sure this is only your private case. Technically it is possible to send any value of any field, so your solution would be broken in 2 secs ;-)

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