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increasing number of latest topics replies posted in user info section

Author trc4949
#1 · Posted: 20 Jun 2007 19:20
is it possible to increase the total number of Latest Topics Posted and Latest Replies Posted that are listed in a members profile?

for example I want to be able to list the most recent 100 latest topics and latest replies for each instead of the current default.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 21 Jun 2007 03:38
It is possible even not destructing the core... put in bb_plugins.php the code line like

if($action=='userinfo') $viewmaxtopic=100;

preferrably at the top part of plugins file.

However I don't see much sense in it. Why do you want it that way? It will load up the resources specially if you have active forums.

It won't help you much in the terms of SEO etc.

Author trc4949
#3 · Posted: 21 Jun 2007 08:18
Well the main reason I wanted it was because it will be a trading forum and I wanted the traders to have a nice big selection of recent posts that they have made on certain stocks over a long period of time...

In other news... wow, I subscribed to this thread with the 'notify me by email feature when it is updated' and it was sent to my gmails spam box!
hmmm. I can't believe gmail email sent it to the spam box....


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 21 Jun 2007 08:42

So does my solution work for you?

I subscribed to this thread with the 'notify me by email feature when it is updated' and it was sent to my gmails spam box

- that may be true, because this email is fully automated. Gmail also as other services often block automated emails by default. You may "teach" the Gmail marking this email as "Not spam" so hopefully next time it could recognize it correctly.

This happens not only with with other websites and softwares, too. I often register at other forums and I need to check bulk/spam folders to get an activation key or something like this.

That's way miniBB provides a possibility to register straight-away, with no email check :-)

Author trc4949
#5 · Posted: 21 Jun 2007 08:48
Hi Paul..

Have not tried out your suggested hack but will try it soon... thank you..

I am thinking I will probably not implement it permanently though per your comment on using a lot of system resources...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 21 Jun 2007 11:45
I will probably not implement it permanently though per your comment on using a lot of system resources

- well if your forums are not having 100 visitors per minute, they could not be called active and that way you could try it ;-)

I think on powerful machines such requests are executed easily, so... this is your way... you want, you go ;-)

Author EinfachClicken
#7 · Posted: 2 Jan 2008 06:51
It is possible even not destructing the core... put in bb_plugins.php the code line like

if($action=='userinfo') $viewmaxtopic=100;

preferrably at the top part of plugins file.

Okay, I tried to use this in order to DECREASE the amount of viewable topics that are available from the hompeage of the forum. But that didn't work. What do I need to do in order to make sure that there are NEVER more than 12 or 15 current themes visible to AN user at ANY time while visiting our forum?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 2 Jan 2008 07:59
This solution is only for the profile page where user's topics are displayed.

For the first page i.e. Latest Discussions if you mean that, there is a GENERIC setting called $viewlastdiscussions (setup_options.php).

Referring to manual will help you discover about 70 of other generic settings miniBB has.

Author EinfachClicken
#9 · Posted: 2 Jan 2008 08:58
Thank you .... I missed that.
I'll still be back for more though, I'm sure. ;^D

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 increasing number of latest topics replies posted in user info section
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