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Pre-moderation / Premoderation

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 14 Jan 2007 09:24Reply Quote
I though I have replied to you to this question previously.

If you are ready to invest about $100 we can start to discuss this option.

It's a big work to destroy current addon's logics.

Author Vishal
#17 · Posted: 15 Feb 2007 22:17Reply Quote
Hi Paul,

How to prevent messages in queue showing up in RSS feed?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 16 Feb 2007 05:23Reply Quote
As follows from the README.txt:

If you are using premoderation addon, set/uncomment $premodDir option, so your pending messages are not displayed in RSS feed.


Author Vishal
#19 · Posted: 19 Sep 2007 05:30Reply Quote
A suggestion:

It would be very useful if option to remove users from the pre-moderation queue is made available in the "Messages pending approval" page itself. Something like a check-box next to member name in the list of messages.

At present, the work requires toggling between "Messages pending approval" and "Premoderation settings" pages. You go through messages in pre-moderation queue and if messages from a member are found satisfactory, remember his ID, go to "Premoderation settings" page and remove him/her from pre-moderation queue. And so on...

Another option to delete a member directly from the messages list is also desirable to handle outright spammers who don't deserve to be members at all (I do that on an average of 4-5 members per day on my forum).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#20 · Posted: 19 Sep 2007 11:17Reply Quote
One question - have you Captcha add-on installed? :-) I suppose having it you won't need all these things.

Here on miniBB, I've just installed Captcha to prevent automatic registrations and guest postings, and created Spam & Flood thread. For some time there was few manual spam, until spammers discovered it is bad to leave message here, because anybody can discover their "business" page in search crawler, noticing sometimes it was promoted via spamming the other forums. It is very bad sign for a business :-) I already received couple of whining requests to remove spam messages from this thread, but what I did just showed the middle finder. No way.

I also banned few Chinese networks.

For some months, there is NO SPAM, at all.

As about new Premoderation - thanks for the suggestion #1 (straight remove from premoderation queue), I will keep them in my list and probably sometimes will implement them... but since this add-on is kind of unprofitable and low in sales, I still can't allow much time in additional developing.

Deleting a member from the messages list is a very difficult process and I doubt I will implement it at all. Maybe it would be just possible to create kind of link which opens the admin panel's page where you delete the user, with automatically substituted ID.

Author Vishal
#21 · Posted: 19 Sep 2007 22:16Reply Quote
have you Captcha add-on installed? :-)

Yes I have and they do help a lot in eliminating third degree spammers. I mean those who do automated logins and so.. But there are also legitimate spammers who take time to manually register and then post 1-2 blatant ads. Not every forum will encounter this. I'm sure. But my forum is like a magnet to such members. Members are waiting for an opportunity to post self-serving posts/ads. Pre-moderation addon is really a boon to me and I definitely wouldn't have been able to run my forum without it.

Deleting a member from the messages list is a very difficult process and I doubt I will implement it at all. Maybe it would be just possible to create kind of link which opens the admin panel's page where you delete the user, with automatically substituted ID.

Oh yes! That's what I have been doing at the moment. I modified the template to include a delete link below member's name.

I have sent you an email to discuss sponsoring #1 this feature. It sure will save me lot of time.

Author Vishal
#22 · Posted: 1 Nov 2007 00:06Reply Quote
I have seen that even though pre-moderated "topics" does not appear in last discussions list in the home page, it appears in the custom list (last 100 discussions) when accessed through index.php?action=advld

How to prevent them from appearing in that list?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#23 · Posted: 1 Nov 2007 04:55Reply Quote
You may try this action in bb_plugins code where it says...

if($action=='vthread' or $action=='vtopic' or $action=='' or $action=='userinfo' or $action=='stats' or $action=='search') require_once($premodDir.'premoder_topics.php');

so add or $action=='advld'

if($action=='vthread' or $action=='vtopic' or $action=='' or $action=='userinfo' or $action=='stats' or $action=='search' or $action=='advld') require_once($premodDir.'premoder_topics.php');

The 'advld' code should be pasted after premoderation code in bb_plugins.php.

Author Vishal
#24 · Posted: 3 Nov 2007 00:37Reply Quote
Oh yes! Its working now.


Author Vishal
#25 · Posted: 8 Jan 2008 23:58Reply Quote
Hi Paul,

I have noticed this few times in my forum that some posts manage to sneak in in spite of users in the pre-moderation queue.

Here's one of the posts. The user was the latest member:

# Posted: 9 Jan 2008 00:25 · IP:

Are you guys looking for an easy work at home and at the same time earn a cash.If yes then look no further cos netbizexpert offers you that solution.It is not only a easy business but the registration is also free.So hurry up Join free today and start your earning.

It always happens with the latest member and roughly about the same time. Wonder if it has to do something with the time.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#26 · Posted: 9 Jan 2008 04:10Reply Quote
Unfortunatelly I need a precise problem description... until I can't repeat it on my side I can't tell what's wrong. I am almost sure it is not related to the specific time though.

Author Vishal
#27 · Posted: 9 Jan 2008 04:25Reply Quote
Hmmm that's pretty difficult I suppose. However, I'll try emulating the problem.

Author Guest
#28 · Posted: 24 Mar 2008 22:48Reply Quote
I just purchased the pre mod add on and had implemented successfully on my site. Is there anyway for me to delete the premod user or premoderator from the control panel, besides manually editing it from premoder_data.php. Thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#29 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 05:38Reply Quote
Of course there should be a way... when you log-in as admin, at the bottom part of forums page beneath the "Admin panel" link there should be a link "Premoderation settings". Clicking that link you will enter the section where you could specify Premoderation settings, add/remove users and/or moderators.

Author Guest
#30 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 10:39Reply Quote
i mean is there anyway to remove say moderators from the list completely..because currently right now i can only uncheck the there anyway to remove it completely? not a must, but good to have..thanks

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 Pre-moderation / Premoderation
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