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Make All Topics Closed (No Replys)

Author Kat
#1 · Posted: 2 Jan 2008 12:26
Is it possible to make every topic posted locked - so no one can reply to whatever was written. BUT without having to edit every single post.... is that possible?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Jan 2008 14:13
You just need to execute such SQL command like...

update minibbtable_topics set topic_status=1;

without having to edit every single post
- sorry it's beyound my imagination... WHY to edit the post to close the TOPIC? There is "Lock topic" link beneath each thread, available to moderators and admin...

Author Kat
#3 · Posted: 12 Jan 2008 08:42
Hi Paul - well I am using the forum more like a very complex guestbook rather than actually as a forum. So I really dont want people commenting all the time. Sorry if this seems a bit, er, dumb... but I am not sure where I need to execute that command. Help please?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 14 Jan 2008 04:17
I don't know how your question is related to what kind of purpose is your forum for... anyway this SQL statement needs to be executed from the mySQL management tool like phpMyAdmin.

In my private collection I also have the add-on called "Mass Lock", it allows automatically lock all topics which have the latest reply posted earlier than the specified date. I.e. the date admin specifies, is the date AFTER no new replies were made. Both lock and unlock options are available.

But this add-on is not free.

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