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Delete checked topics

Author Vishal P. Rao
#1 · Posted: 15 Jan 2008 05:49
When it comes to cleaning a forum, there will be many topics that can be safely deleted by just glancing at the forum topic - introductory posts, topics with absurd titles, chat topics, etc. It then becomes tedious to open each one of them and then delete it. It would be nice to check boxes beside each topic in the forum topics page to delete multiple topics together (like delete checked messages).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 15 Jan 2008 07:49
Thanks for suggestion... I think it was offered some time ago; however we still have not implemented it (and I still have no closest plans for this) because we think, before deletion, topic must be checked in all aspects... and if it comes to an unexperienced user, like moderator or even admin, he can delete even useful content that way and then wonder why it was happened.

Additionally, when deleting a topic, a lot of resources are needed updating the topics count information for forums and updating messages/topics count information for users. Deleting large topics that way there is a big risk of the script expiration after X sedonds specially if your forums are running in safe mode.

So in the future I will think about it, but not this year probably ;-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 15 Jan 2008 09:41
With forums it's best to moderate them daily - otherwise it could be tedious job indeed..:

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 15 Jan 2008 10:15
With forums it's best to moderate them daily

100% Agree! :-)

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