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Author ClintEastwood
#16 · Posted: 5 Jul 2004 21:00
yeah. in my forum it works

<td class=caption2><b> {$l_sepr} <a href="index.php">Home</a> {$l_sepr} <a href="index.php?action=stats">Statistik</a> {$l_sepr} <a href="addon_members.php">Members</a> {$l_menu[2]}{$l_sepr} <a href="index.php?action=manual">FAQ</a> {$l_sepr} <a href="index.php?action=prefs">Einstellungen</a> {$l_sepr} <a href="index.php?action=search">Suche</a> {$l_menu[6]}{$l_sepr}</b>

instead of:

<td class=caption2><b> {$l_menu[0]}{$l_menu[7]}{$l_menu[3]}{$l_menu[2 ]}{$l_menu[1]}{$l_menu[4]}{$l_menu[5]}{$l_menu[8]}{$l_menu[6]}{$l_sepr }</b></td>

Author Simon Henriksen
#17 · Posted: 5 Jul 2004 23:59
The registration still appears from the Members site???

Author ClintEastwood
#18 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 18:34
yeah thats right... hmm...

Team? si there any sollution for this problem? If somebody visits the memberslist, the "registration"-link appears for logged in users too...

Author Team
#19 · Posted: 7 Jul 2004 10:32
Actually, there is a way, but it is really not necessary. For deciding is user logged or not, you need to duplicate an algorithm from main index.php which defines user ID in some difficult ways (because addon_members.php is called separately, not from index.php). Probably, we will re-work this in the next version, but still - if you even have this link when you are logged, clicking on it, you will not be able to register again. I don't see any problem with it.

Author Simon Henriksen
#20 · Posted: 7 Jul 2004 12:12
Thanks team. I hope you'll get it fixed to the next version. Until that, I think i can live with it...

Author ClintEastwood
#21 · Posted: 8 Jul 2004 00:53

Author John B
#22 · Posted: 16 Jun 2006 06:01
16 Jun 2006 07:50 - Attached on mergeing:
Member List

Is there away I could get rid of the I-C-Q part, and replace it with post counts?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#23 · Posted: 16 Jun 2006 07:52
John B
You will need to edit addon_members2.php file and instead of




Also as update templates/addon_members.html so it lists column's title properly.

Author John B
#24 · Posted: 16 Jun 2006 12:57
Thanks alot

Author kelen
#25 · Posted: 24 Jun 2007 14:27
Number of posts in addon memberlist

Hi all,

i want show a number of posts every user in memberlist for example between from and websites...

can i do this? How? thank you very much

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#26 · Posted: 25 Jun 2007 04:28
You can, but only modifying core script addon_members2.php directly... First modify mySQL request which starts with if($row=db_simpleSelect adding the number of posts field, like

"{$dbUserId}, {$dbUserSheme['username'][1]}, {$dbUserSheme['user_email']
[1]}, {$dbUserSheme['user_icq'][1]}, {$dbUserSheme['user_website'][1]}, {$dbUserSheme['user_from'][1]}, {$dbUserSheme['user_viewemail'][1]}, {$dbUserDate}, {$dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1]}"

then edit templates/addon_members.html and paste the HTML code for the new table row indicating heading:

<td class="caption4" style="width:20%">
<strong><a href="{$indexphp}action=members&amp;morder=num_posts&amp;memberSearch=

Finally, edit templates/addon_members_cell.html and paste HTML for the table's row as well:

<td class="caption1">{$row[8]}</td>

I've tested it on my local system and it should work.

Author kelen
#27 · Posted: 25 Jun 2007 06:19
it´s really work!!! thank you a lot! :-)

Author Danny2000
#28 · Posted: 23 Jan 2008 14:46
I wanna just 'users with more than 1 posts' appear in member list,
Is it possible?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#29 · Posted: 24 Jan 2008 04:12
If you know the programming it's possible :-)

In the SQL request of addon_members2.php file starting with $row=db_simpleSelect you would need to add $dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1] (separated by comma - it will indicate amount of users posts).

Further you need to assign this value after do { for example $uNumPosts=$row[10]; (index of $row may vary so just calculate the fields in the request starting with 0 - the index will be the same as the order for $dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1]).

Next you need to write the whole condition

if ($uNumPosts>1) {

and it must follow straight after do { and end before closing } for do {.

Author Danny2000
#30 · Posted: 24 Jan 2008 15:30
Thanks, that works ;-)

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