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CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)

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Author Anonymous
#16 · Posted: 29 Mar 2007 13:02
I hae just installed the CAPTCHA addon, and it seems to be working fine, except that I can still post anonymous posts, without being asked to type in a code.

If I want to register as a user, then the CAPTCHA addon kicks in all right.

In the bb_plugins.php file, the following is set:

This measn that CAPTCHA should be ative for anonymous posting. But it is not.

Doen anyone know what the problem could be ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 30 Mar 2007 02:42
Check and re-check the README file few times. The Captcha 100% works (as you could see on our forums, too), so the reason is most probably because of the wrong installation/configuration.

Author TerryB2000
#18 · Posted: 24 Oct 2007 21:41
I recently updated my minibb site to 2.1 and re-downloaded authorize 1.2.1. I had purchased and used captcha successfully before. After going through the setup, I now find that no posts are eing sent through the captcha process. Any ideas?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#19 · Posted: 25 Oct 2007 02:42
Sorry no ideas... The add-on is working with no doubt (like on our forums for example) and the error might be somewhere on your side.

Author nouris
#20 · Posted: 12 Jan 2008 11:25
I have recently purchased CAPTCHA add on for my forum and transfered all the relevant files to my server now I get this message. When I point my browser to addon_captcha.php?md5=O2RAD00=
I get
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function imagecreate() in <b>/home/nouralis/public_html/forums/addon_captcha.php</b> on line <b>40</b><br />

When I point my browser to addon_captcha.php
I get
"Impossible to generate image because turing number is wrong."

What did I do wrong

Much thanks for your help

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#21 · Posted: 14 Jan 2008 04:06
If you would search the Google for that error you'd discover your server missed GD library installation. As it's said on the requirements page, PHP must be compiled with that library in order to run the Captcha add-on properly, and you need to refer to your hosting provider for more information and help.

Author ezkim0x
#22 · Posted: 26 Jan 2008 14:11


I can't figure out how to make it have different colored backgrounds and txt.. I know there are options to change the RGB codes for the background color and image color.. but I tried adding in multiple ones, and it still displays the same.

the background image is always black, and the numbers never have seperate backgrounds.

I'd like to make it so the background color is the same as my board, and then have different backgrounds for the letters/numbers in the capatcha like you accomplished in the above images that i posted.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#23 · Posted: 28 Jan 2008 03:12
RGB colors array $backgroundColor in options just should correspond to the HEX color of the webpage's background. I am using Photoshop's picker for determining this, however there could be also free color picker tools available which produce that. That way you can achieve captcha's text is looking like the 'textual' part of your page.

As for background color of the text in images you've given as example - these colors are set up in $imageColors and each letter of the Captcha image is produced to output with a different randomly chosen color from this array. The background you see on the pictures is produced just with different fonts, the letters in them just have a background by default. The fonts are called Lexographer and Random and I suppose you can download them free finding in Internet as well as other fonts which have background on letters.

Author ezkim0x
#24 · Posted: 28 Jan 2008 22:09
ahh alright, thank you.

Author stormie
#25 · Posted: 12 Feb 2008 11:59
hi, i got the captcha plugin from you a few days ago.....cheers, exactly what i needed....but; I can't configure it, no doubt it is a mistake or some silly thing but i can't find it. I get the picture code 0u000 perfectly every time by going to the test location described in the instructions....


Is this describing a problem to you? If so any idea what i could try next?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#26 · Posted: 13 Feb 2008 04:49
From the comment of the core captcha add-on's file you may now that '8fy7u' combination should appear if you passed the param '/?md5=O2RAD00=' and if you have secret password zxDF5612. But even if you change a secret password (which is a must-do), it is nearly to impossible to have only zeros displayed. I could only suppose that there is some misconfiguration or error on your side which can't be determined without deep seeing of the code. You may refer for our paid support, we charge just $6 for installing the Captcha add-on and in most cases your problem could be determined in minutes.

Author ThyBzi
#27 · Posted: 20 Feb 2008 22:41
Is the CAPTCHA add-on, which is available now for purchase, compatible with new miniBB 2.2?
If not, will there be a free license update for a new version, if we purchase older CAPTCHA now? And also, when this new version of CAPTCHA will be available for purchase and download?
And one more thing - I want to know whether this add-on's license per-site, or "global" (appliable for every miniBB installation)?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 21 Feb 2008 03:21
Current version of the Captcha add-on is fully compatible with the release 2.2 (as much as other add-ons as well - there could be little adjustments in their templates and CSS later, but the core should 100% work). Whenever you purchase our premium add-ons, you are welcome to update them later for 15 times, having a right to download them from our customers area. Premium add-ons license covers "global" usage - i.e. you can install them on as many miniBB installations you have. Note however this isn't applied to the generic miniBB commercial license, if you remove our copyright notice from the various forums, for each domain, you need to have a separate license.

Author ThyBzi
#29 · Posted: 21 Feb 2008 04:27
Thank you for your reply! Is it possible to buy CAPTCHA add-on by a regular bank payment from Russia? Or it should be made only from Visa/MasterCard?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#30 · Posted: 21 Feb 2008 06:11
If you're from Russia, the most acceptable way is to pay by WebMoney. We don't accept bank payments (and it would be quite expensive for you to pay just $10 by bank wire). Contact us privately for this.

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 CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)
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