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Definitely need some sort of spam control on the new forum.

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 12 Mar 2008 06:23

I bet you must lose a lot of interested forum guys with the lack of control over spammers. Take a look at my forum I just put on (to transfer my video files from and is not in site use - thank god!). This forum has only been on for 3-4 days I think and look at the state of it. I have already removed over 100 spam entries. The spam entries are in all the categories I think now. Surely you should have some sort of captcha control on the default and new installation of minibb?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 12 Mar 2008 10:45
We have Captcha add-on which for $10 is for any number of forums you install.

As you see on our forums there is no spam at all... all because of that add-on installed.

We won't release it in default version because this add-on requires a bit additional configuration and can be run only if GD library installed with PHP (usually it is so these days almost everywhere, but still not everywhere). Additionally, we are a bit earning for miniBB development selling this add-on which absolutely must have for any public forums as a basic spam protection.

The things won't be changed regarding it...

Author Bluesplayer
#3 · Posted: 12 Mar 2008 12:27
Ah well you have to pay the bills. I have the addon but I think I would be really put off if I was a new user and found I had to fork out to get some basic protection. Perhaps a new user wouldn't get attacked so quickly? My site has been up and running for a while so maybe the spammer hits my forums a lot quicker than normal. Not sure about that mind.

The addon works great by the way.

By the way this might interest you - the code for adding video to posts. I have added it to my phpBB3 forum. Thing is about the code it is so small. Nothing heavy which I know you don't like. Take a look at it and maybe you might want to do something similar. Might give you some ideas.

I have customized the install - which was dead easy - and now I can load my own divx movies from my server.

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 12 Mar 2008 12:42
It's OK, but isn't your website is too busy - it may load slow on some connections..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 12 Mar 2008 13:17
The question about "bills" was already discussed... I don't mind if somebody thinks he should pay if there is the similar thing free. Get your free thing and see after some time if somebody will support it for you in the future. We are supporting miniBB and this is its most strong side of this project... and support can't be free. We can't work for free. And shame to you if you don't know there are no free things in this world, but if they come free, somebody already has paid for them. We run an independent project which is not paid on the annual basis by some company, so we need to get funds somewhere, and they come from selling some add-ons and our custom support.

Videos upload: I would tell this is an imperfect method to upload movies through a regular post form. Being professional and knowing how the web works, I will never support such thing.

Uploading videos are possible in miniBB other way... get File Bank add-on with Uber Uploader, so you have possibility to upload unlimited size files with upload indicator in one place. Later, in your post you can provide a straight link to the file, so it opens with your default OS player - this is the way I ALWAYS like most, I hate when there is some stupid internal player forcing me to install kind of browser's plugin, which doesn't allow me to save the file, doesn't allow to make the height of the player wider etc. Or you can use some special BB code which will work with some kind of Flash player (like FlowPlayer for example) or other ActiveX control, and this code will place a player straight in the message.

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 Definitely need some sort of spam control on the new forum.
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