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Forums not showing if choosing Modern?

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 05:19

On a new installation of minibb 2.2 if you choose to install modern right from the off the forums don't show and you can't post any topic. You can create forums in admin but nothing shows until you switch it back to default and post a topic. After that if you then choose modern the forums shows. You seem to need to post a topic first before applying the modern template.

Also I have adjusted the modern layout to stop the

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running into 2 lines on a narrow template. I altered line 10 in the main_modern_layout.html
by adjusting the width to 100% and adjusting the padding-bottom to 0. Then I added:


after line 10 and also adjusted line 13 to read width 100%.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 05:47
You seem to need to post a topic first before applying the modern template.
That's absolutely right and this layout has no sense if you have no topics. This layout fits only the forums which already have lot of posts. How do you imagine big empty space in the middle of the screen until you don't have threads?..

It's not a bug.

As about modifications you have done to the template - freedom is in your hands :-) I don't know what it would be needed for, but we won't change it in the default version.

Author Bluesplayer
#3 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 07:12
That's absolutely right and this layout has no sense if you have no topics. This layout fits only the forums which already have lot of posts. How do you imagine big empty space in the middle of the screen until you don't have threads?..
Fair enough but if are a new user to minibb then this is highly confusing. When you have followed the instructions and end up with an empty forum with no means of entering a topic? Personally to reduce the confusion I would rather have had an empty board with a big empty space as you put it. Only because I have used minibb before did I realize that I had better try the default theme display to see if that corrected it.

As for the mod I carried out you can see the need for it here:

It makes my forum a lot neater.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 08:20
I think I already talked about this "bug" previously so I am not supposed to argue it. When you install miniBB by default it should not provide this layout - the layout should remain with the classical view, i.e. forum listing is following first, recent discussions last. At least this is fixed in the recent version of miniBB 2.2. If you start experimenting with options you must know what you are doing.

I understood about the layout and it's up to you to implement it. It doesn't affect the default version. However what really looks strange on your forums that supertitles has no meaning. You have just 2 forums - and there are 2 supertitles. Supertitles may be created to separate specific forum sections united by the same theme. In your case they are not needed at all.

However please do not discuss this anymore... I hope I answered your first question; others are subject of your own implementation.

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 Forums not showing if choosing Modern?
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