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How to delete messages / topics

Author vocale
#1 · Posted: 19 May 2008 06:20
Hi there.

I'm new to this software. Added miniBB to my site along with the Checker and Uploaded extensions and all good. I added a couple of test posts to make sure things worked and now want to delete them - Really need to do this and also be able to delete any posts that conflict with corporate policy. How can I do this? Do I need to buy another extension?

Any advice would be welcoms


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 19 May 2008 07:02
Deletion of the posts / topics for admin is built-in of course. I think it's obvious when you are logged in as admin: click "Delete" link near each message to delete the message; click "Delete topic" link, located at the bottom of each topic page.

Small note: you will need to delete the whole topic if only one message posted in it.

Admin is allowed to delete anything anytime; moderators are allowed to delete the content of the related forums only. Users are allowed to delete their own messages if it is allowed in options (RTFM for more - $userDeleteMsgs settings).

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 How to delete messages / topics
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