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Problem with Private Messaging add-on

Author mark jonas
#1 · Posted: 22 May 2008 09:12

have just installed this app and I seem to have a little issue

when the page loads to the part where you can type your message i get a done, but with errors on page

details are

line: 42
Char: 447
Error: Expected ';'
Code: 0

after this everything like preview and smiles is working but when you go to send i get another error show and then it doesn't send

details just incase it helps

Line: 110
Char: 1
Error 'anonPost' is undefined
Code: 0

have done some looking into this as the first seems to be a deleted ; maybe but i cant seem to find it in all the areas i have changed

as for the second i havnt a clue

was just woundering if anyone has had a simuilar issue and if so what it may of been

thank you for your time

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 22 May 2008 12:19
We are providing free installation of this add-on, so we can investigate your problem only if you provide temporary FTP access to your server. Without seeing the exact code I have no ideas what it could mean. First of all make sure though you have the latest version of miniBB installed... this add-on will work only with miniBB 2.1 or later release, as stated on the add-on's page.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 23 May 2008 03:55
I've just re-read your question and now understood you mean JavaScript errors, not PHP.

This error is most likely related to 1 variable which is missing under some of the templates. But where... I have no clues unfortunately. Maybe it happens because of the wrong configuration of some add-ons.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 23 May 2008 09:38
We have investigated the error and that's why it appears:

mark jonas:
In the lang file in my case eng.php i had edit the $l_accessDenied like so:

$l_accessDenied='Operation can not be completed. Either you are trying to access a section of the forums, which you do not have access to, either trying to execute an action, which is not allowed for you or you are a new user. If you are a new user it may take up to 24 hours to use your account. if you are not a new user or it has been over 24 Hours, Please contacted Skills (ingame) with what you are trying to do or that your account hasn\'t been accepted. Thank you.';

Now the part in red is where the java script (if that is what your using) doesn't like it on changing that to have not the PM system is working.
It is absolutely right - this is the $l_accessDenied var which causes this issue. Since the value of this variable is used both in PHP script and JavaScript, I would only recommend to avoid any kind of apostrophes used in translation. I will put this in miniBB manual. Currently I've just changed "hasn't" to "has not" which seems the right sentense in all aspects.

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 Problem with Private Messaging add-on
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