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Author teva
#91 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 09:52
Hey all!

I'm trying to setup this script so i can use it for more than showing news. On forum i have news section and article section. On my website i have setup news, but now i want two more boxes that show articles and recent post activity. I have duplicated script and changed template names correctly. I had to use php include on news and javascript include on articles and recent posts. The problem is that all is shown ok on the root page on my website, but when i navigate to somewhere else i get this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getclforums() in /forum/addon_1stpagenews3.php on line 42

$excludeIncludes is set to FALSE on news (php include), TRUE on articles (js include) and FALSE on recent posts (js also).

If i set FALSE on articles then it's shown on every other page but not the first one. There i get this error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare makelim() (previously declared in /forum/setup_mysql.php:9) /forum/setup_mysql.php on line 9

any solution for this?
Thank You?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#92 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 10:48
The only solution is to follow your installed files and found the place where this function is either duplicated either not included at all. The PHP error says it all so we can't give you anything more specific to solve this custom problem.

Author Mark Wilkins
#93 · Posted: 22 May 2008 20:02
Is it possible to set up the front page news add-on to list the date of the most recent reply rather than the date of the original posting, and the user who posted the most recent reply rather than the user who made the original posting?

I have cases where an original post was made months ago by user "Old" (for example), then user "New" replies today and the topic gets moved to the top of the front page news. But, it displays the Topic of the post followed by "By Old @ date-from-months-ago Replies: 5". I'd like it show the Topic followed by "Reply by New @ date-of-most-recent-reply Replies: 5".

Is this possible?

Thanks for any info!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#94 · Posted: 23 May 2008 03:49
Mark Wilkins
It's possible, but you will need to modify few PHP code under addon_1stpagenews2.php. Here are some steps to try (I haven't tested them):

- Locate the code which begins with

you will need to add two new fields at the end of the fields listing string:

'topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster_name, topic_time, topic_last_post_id, forum_id, posts_count, topic_time, topic_last_post_time, topic_last_poster'
Then after the line which says

add the following:

Then in your addon_1stpagenews_cell2.html template you can use variables {$topic_last_post_time} and {$topic_last_poster}which mean date/time of the last post, and the nickname of the last poster.

Author Mark Wilkins
#95 · Posted: 23 May 2008 10:13
Thanks for your help. Didn't work... (It worked partly.)

When I made these modifications as described, the first page news display box was empty below the heading "Latest Forum Posts."

I think there's a problem with the field "topic_last_poster" I can't see that field listed in any of the tables.

I removed that field and just included the "topic_last_post_time" in the query, and only added the line:


That worked, I can now display the date of the most recent reply. But I still can't display the name of the person who replied most recently.

Thanks for any additional assistance!


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#96 · Posted: 24 May 2008 04:51
Mark Wilkins:
I think there's a problem with the field "topic_last_poster" I can't see that field listed in any of the tables.
This field should be definitely listed under 'minibbtable_topics' table. If it's missing in your installation, I can't say why it is so. Maybe something went wrong during the installation process. You should add it with the same attributes specified under _install_mysql.sql file.

Author wilkinsmd
#97 · Posted: 19 Nov 2008 14:11
OK I so finally came back to this issue after several months.

My installation is working fine and has been stable for 2+ years. I am running version 2.0 RC 6 I believe. Was the table layout changed in a more recent version?

The 'minibbtable_posts' table has a field "poster_name" which I believe is what I's the username of the person who made the most recent reply for a given topic.

The 'minibbtable_topics' table has fields such as "topic_poster_name" and "topic_last_post_id" and "topic_last_post_time" but no "topic_last_poster"


Author Bluesplayer
#98 · Posted: 20 Nov 2008 18:48
I can't seem to get this to work for some reason:

Is it compatible with the new minibb forum?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#99 · Posted: 21 Nov 2008 04:05
The 'minibbtable_posts' table has a field "poster_name" which I believe is what I's the username of the person who made the most recent reply for a given topic.
poster_name column always was presented in that table, and it's actually the username of the author of the message, and is not related to most recent reply.

All most recent reply columns are stored under 'minibbtable_topics', and if you follow our Updating history, you will see all changes which were applied since your version.

The code your are referencing too, should work with the current version with no problem (else it would be not presented under Official discussion).

Author tom322
Active Member
#100 · Posted: 21 Nov 2008 10:43
Is it compatible with the new minibb forum?
I can also confirm it should work..

Author Bluesplayer
#101 · Posted: 21 Nov 2008 11:14
I can also confirm it should work..
I must have altered something or other with the upgrades and theme alterations I have carried out. Will install a new minibb forum for testing and see if I can figure out why it won't work.

Thanks for confirming.


Author pcOxygen
#102 · Posted: 24 Nov 2008 12:32
Good afternon.

I'm attempting to install the addon 1stPageNews on a new Forum installation, and I've been strugling with it for more than a day now. My problem is that I can't figure out where to CALL IN the script from. The README.txt for this addon doesn't indicate any particular file.

* You can include addon_1stpagenews2.php from your PHP script, f.e.:
include ('./forums/addon_1stpagenews2.php');"

In what file, specifically, do I call in the script:
"include ('./forums/addon_1stpagenews2.php');"

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

I've found that the script should be inserted in the templates/main_forums.html file. Just a little experimenting provided the solution. However, may I recommend that the README.txt file associated with this plugin be updated to reflect such? Thanks in advance.
I've found that

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#103 · Posted: 24 Nov 2008 14:59
I doubt that inserting 1stPageNews into templates/main_forums.html is the correct approach. This add-on is designed exactly to display forum parts on your external web page, this one not related to forums at all. So only you know where to include that code, you must know your own scripts to do that.

In your case, I merely don't understand why did you install it on forums, because the first forums page already contains "recent discussions" section which shows the same.

Author drjones22748
#104 · Posted: 1 Aug 2009 15:56
The Mod works great except I have 1 little problem...

The More News.. link is giving me a Topic doesn't exist. It was deleted by the administrator, moved to another forum, etc...

This was after I deleted some test messages. I assume it should pick up the next available message. What do I need to check or what file do I change (if any)?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#105 · Posted: 3 Aug 2009 02:41
More News link should actually point to the first available forum from $displayForums array, if you have them defined there. If you display news from all forums and this array doesn't contain any specific IDs, the link should point just to forums.

I don't know where the message you mentioned comes from. May be it means you have modified the link yourself and in that case I have no idea where it should point to. In default version, the link should point to some forum, not the topic.

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