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Vulnerable folder report upon forums installation

Author jorge
#1 · Posted: 3 Jun 2008 22:28
In my installation

Folder's protection

Vulnerable. In your current forums folder, where are you are going to install the forums, PHP script is able to create, delete and modify files. We recommend to set permissions for generic forums folder as read-only.

where and how modify this problem.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 4 Jun 2008 04:27
It just means any script is allowed to create and modify files under this folder without setting a special permission. Since many hacks are related to modify/delete files, this could be dangerous.

If you have 'register_globals' set to OFF, you may skip this warning and install miniBB usual way, I think. Because all hacks are leading from this vulnerable setting.

But if you want to be completely safe, try to contact your provider and ask them about this problem. It's related to some kind of special configuration on the server; OR maybe it's a Windows-based server, where this error naturally should always appear and you don't need to pay attention to it then.

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 Vulnerable folder report upon forums installation
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