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Append custom text to forum title only

Author Vishal
#1 · Posted: 15 Jul 2008 06:26
Is it possible to append certain text to forum title only and not to threads? Say I want to append my forum name to forums like "@ My Forum". So If I have forums Forum 1, Forum 2, when someone clicks on the respective forums, their titles will be Forum 1 @ My forum, Forum 2 @ My Forum. The title of discussion threads under the forums should not be altered. I tried the following in bb_plugins.php but it didn't work:

/* Forum title modification */
if ($GLOBALS['action']=='vtopic') $title.=' @ Work at Home Forum';
/*--Forum title modification */

I also tried putting the above code inside function parseTopic().

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 15 Jul 2008 07:57
You will need to introduce a special variable and then just put it under main_header.html.

Example (for bb_plugins.php):

9=>'coco news',
7=>'mano faq'

if($action=='vtopic') $addTitle=' @ '.$customTitles[$forum];
main_header.html's title tag should be like this:

Variations are possible...

Author Vishal
#3 · Posted: 16 Jul 2008 00:13
Thanks Paul :) Works perfectly!

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 Append custom text to forum title only
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