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miniBB related updates: Memberlist add-on, Photo album add-on v.1.4, Kurdish language pack

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 13 Aug 2008 06:24
As it was described recently, member list add-on is vulnerable to execute some XSS code. I am not sure what this gives to the hacker, anyway I recommend everybody using this add-on to update it a bit. Solution is provided in the Bugs thread; or just replace by our fresh copy from Downloads.

Photo album add-on was recently updated to the ver. 1.4 with the sponsorship of Latvian Girls Forums authors. Now it is possible to apply a Watermark to all images uploaded to the Profile (it is loaded from PNG file which is possible to modify in any graphical application), and it's possible to create thumbnails painted over some Textured background (it may be customized as well). Instead of the "Pictures" text link in the messages thread indicating pictures amount, now we replaced the code to display a little icon. You can test now these changes under our Software Test Forums or on the aforementioned forums. Also now it's possible to set a Default picture which may be used in related add-ons in the future.

Changed files for Photo album add-on are addon_pics.php, bb_plugins.code, and there are new options appearing at the end of the options file: $useTexture, $useWatermark, $useWatermarkPosition, $useWatermarkPercentWidth, $useWatermarkPercentHeight. Language pack is updated with 2 new variables.

Finally, Kurdish language pack was offered by the team of

Author gare
#2 · Posted: 18 Aug 2008 15:14
Is there a link for the upgrades if we have already purchased a previous version add-on?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 19 Aug 2008 01:30
If you have purchased premium add-ons, you should be issued a special customers area link where it's possible to download everything related to your order. Since this link is sent via an automated program, it often happens that our customers do not get it, because email filters blocked it. In that case just contact me providing your order details, and I will re-send your information manually.

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 miniBB related updates: Memberlist add-on, Photo album add-on v.1.4, Kurdish language pack
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