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"Free Hard Porn" for our Ukrainian friends, or Yet another Google bug

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Author Moony
#16 · Posted: 23 Aug 2008 08:33
What was the need to move to in the first place? You could just make a redirect from to In my opinion, it is not very wise to move such an old website to a new domain just for the sake of .com at the end of the domain name. You had so many links to you old website (not only to the main page).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 23 Aug 2008 11:39
.com is definitely a premium domain and I'm sure we will only win on it in the future. Additionally, we're going to add some new feature for miniBB soon and ".com" will make a big sense here, because it's a part of wording of this feature. Also since miniBB now is a registered trademark, it's simply prestigious to have .com instead of .net (and all major board software already are running on .com).

In that case I still prefer to increase our reputation level instead of carrying about Google things.

Author coder
#18 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 03:06
US mass-media are actively washing brains of US citizens claiming Russia as an 'aggressor' vs. Georgia...
I was surprised to know many americans are supposing they talk about Georgia state in US.

That's why there is so many people "against" Russia. They do not understand Georgia is a country.

Author Danny2000
#19 · Posted: 12 Sep 2008 19:56
LOL, good point!
Check this out ;-)

Author igor2
#20 · Posted: 7 Oct 2008 11:40
Hi folks,

I'm glad to have found an independent voice in this thread about Google. Below I provide my comments about recent experience with the Google, Incorporated Company.

Last night I tried to provide my comments on Matt Cutts blog (Matt Cutts is a high figure at Google, a head of Google anti-spam team and... Google Public Relations guy at the same time). The post that drawn my attention was about Google Chrome: My five months with Google Chrome, a new "KOOL" (as they call it in the Google Plex) web browser.

The reason I posted it was simple - Matt's post seemed to me like a blatant advertising copy and only showed the positive aspects of Chrome (of course). I noticed some "negativish" comments of other users so I thought I'd post my true and unbiased opinion as well.

Near the comment box there was a message that "I pre-moderate first-time commenters. Please review my comment policy before leaving a comment." Fair enough, that made sense.

Here was my comment about Google Chrome:

Old habits die hard.

I'm not switching to Chrome. It has no advantage (other than speed maybe, but with broadband access that's hardly an issue) over other browser, especially Firefox. New design and getting used to layout, buttons, etc. doesn't help either.

It would have to be WOW for me and I suppose for millions of other users to make a switch. But that's not even close to it.

See a screen shot attached as a proof.

Google Ceiling Policy

A couple of hours after posting the comment, I went back to the page and could see my post correctly so that (listen to this part) - it appeared my comment was published and live on the website. I could also see subsequent posts made by other users. Good, I thought to myself, maybe Matt agrees with me, the end user of their product. Even if not, maybe other users will find my unbiased comment useful.

But then I went to check something using another browser (I posted my comment using Firefox). I opened IE and went to the same page I posted my comment. Ooppss -- I realized my comment was not there! Now I got the trick Matt and his team uses (let's call it "Google glass ceiling policy"). I was duped my comment was live and available to thousands of users, but in fact it was only my assumption. The fact is, my comment was offline and visible only on my computer and on this particular browser I posted from (I guess they used some kind of cookie to save my post).

I just wonder how many hundreds or thousands of users have actually bothered to post something at and were duped into believing that their post is live??? Without any notification about the fact that the message appeared to be live but in fact it was not! I feel for them as I feel for all those people who cannot express their true opinion about Google and their "glass ceiling" policies.

I checked the "comment policy" again and all I could find:

"I reserve the right to delete comments for any reason, but I try to allow on-topic, constructive comments."

I believe my comment was on topic and constructive. Hmm, but "delete comments for any reason" -- there you go! The "Google glass ceiling" policy has come into play again.

Folks, my advice to you (especially the young ones) is - go and study hard, read a lot of useful/academic books, don't use any "gadgets" that dumb you down, and train your brains so that you can still catch the tricks Google is trying to impose on you and on your family. Otherwise, you will get yet another Google victim on the road without even realizing that.

Author deuced
#21 · Posted: 9 Oct 2008 04:58
Hey Igor2

I never read Matt Cutts' blog but i think that your comment went to the moderation queue and you could only see it as its author because of the cookies. It never got published and noone saw it.
I dislike bloggers that moderate comments such a way but on the other hand it's a man's personal blog which means that he has the right to allow or not anything on his blog.

Below I provide my comments about recent experience with the Google, Incorporated Company
What i mean is that you may criticize google for its services or products but not for someone's personal blog that happens to be in the google team!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#22 · Posted: 9 Oct 2008 07:56
I (personally) think if somebody is in the Google team, he has an agreement to not disclosure something which doesn't work for Google. So even on the personal blog there might be a straight affection of the job contract.

Author igor2
#23 · Posted: 9 Oct 2008 11:10
What i mean is that you may criticize google for its services or products but not for someone's personal blog that happens to be in the google team!
OK, but that pretty much tells me what kind of people work there; if your boss and top man at Google does sleazy tricks on you as a blogger, what makes them not do similar tricks on millions of users of their products?? - after all these products and services are created by the same people!

Politicians, actors, CEOs, and other high figures in this world have been scrutinized and publicly killed overnight by the media for their PERSONAL behavior (recently president Formula1, president Clinton, or a senator who bitched about Mexican workers and himself was hiring them to work in his garden). Such "dirts" come out every month and such people most of the times are seriously scrutinized by the public or the media.

I (personally) think if somebody is in the Google team, he has an agreement to not disclosure something which doesn't work for Google. So even on the personal blog there might be a straight affection of the job contract.
That makes sense.

Author coder
#24 · Posted: 10 Oct 2008 07:22
igor2: yet another coin to your Google conspiracy... Do you know that "googly" means a cricket term [ ]? Well ok you might know it... But haven't you watched the movie called "The Fall"? In this movie, the telling sounding like "Googly, googly, googly... be gone!" is used by a little girl to fend off her fear of something scary. It's also sung by a choir representing the danger coming.

I don't know where authors of this movie got the inspiration for that incantation, but since they have based their story mixing up a lot of legends, tales and mythology, it's probably also taken from something like that... Now think carefully what it could mean if the company is named very similar to it ;-)

Author igor2
#25 · Posted: 10 Oct 2008 09:29
I didn't know what "googly" means. The fact is, I've been watching/using Google from the time it started until now and these are two different worlds. People still have a perception Google is a free, cool project done by a few genius students. But in reality, it is yet another bloody Wall Street company.

Wait till the current management and owners retire; then I know I will also miss Matt Cutts and other overall still decent guys. When other sharky managers and CEOs take over and make use of all the data they store, it could be a disaster.

Either way, I'm not here to argue, let history tell us the truth. Thanks to the board owner for the oppourtunity to exercise my right to free speech; it's harder and harder these days to find open-minded people.

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 "Free Hard Porn" for our Ukrainian friends, or Yet another Google bug
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