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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 14 Dec 2007 04:35
Well... if we call an "easy" update ovewriting just of the 3 core files, then it will be easy -) However adjustments needed to make in those files are not one line changes.

I would say there is a hiss in the current miniBB core which allows to post messages which "look" like empty at the time they are not. For example you can post [ i ] [ /i ] which stands for a simple space enclosed withint italic BB codes, and it could pass through.

I doubt it is a very critical error and if somebody just strikes your board this way, you can ban him :-) However I will issue an update after I will be sure it all works... Currently I've updated the scripts on our board here, so you may try it out again.

Author SamSam
#17 · Posted: 17 Dec 2007 00:39
if you'r using laptop just press :

Fn + Alt + 255


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 17 Dec 2007 04:12
I'm not using laptop... don't know what "Fn" button means?

Author tom322
Active Member
#19 · Posted: 17 Dec 2007 14:18

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#20 · Posted: 17 Dec 2007 20:26
Paul wrote: I'm not using laptop... don't know what "Fn" button means?

"Fn" is short for "Function" (function key). :)
All best,

Author SamSam
#21 · Posted: 18 Dec 2007 00:47
I'm not using laptop... don't know what "Fn" button means?
"Fn" is short for "Function" (function key). :)
All best,

that's it ;)

Author Danny2000
#22 · Posted: 12 Sep 2008 19:52
Now we have empty title with empty post as well!

What is this? how can I write a text filter to prevent this type of junk posts?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#23 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 03:51
In your case, I think, the user has posted some symbol which consists of the numerical code 194. In Latin encoding, this symbol means Â; if you switch encoding of your forums in your browser from UTF-8 to Western, you will see what I mean: there is such symbol separated by line breaks which makes the post passing through. It's not an empty post, you only think so because you don't see anything typed.

I am not sure if this problem belongs to miniBB and if I should fix it (because in general I don't know how to fix it - and I don't know what else symbols can be involved in repeating it, there may be the symbols with codes 195, 196 etc. as well). On the other hand I don't really care about it, because it's more related to users content, and excuse me, but users can also post something not suitable with your board rules, "bad" words or "bad" content, they can type something stupid like simply "A" letter for message and topic title if it's allowed by your forums settings - you will not try to prevent it using text filters, will you?.. And you can't. It's a moderation question.

So the most effective solution is just to ban this user from further posting, as I mentioned earlier, and delete this post. No other solution is useful.

Author tom322
Active Member
#24 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:22
I think it's possible to do empty post just using the ALT+255 (without any tags around them). So adding three or more time: ALT+255 will make an empty post/topic.

I agree with Paul, I would also ban someone trying to post garbage just like I would ban someone whose only content of the post are 20 smilies; there are probably more than one possible scenarios when it's possible to post empty posts and instead trying to fight them all is better to ban such user focus on something more useful :.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#25 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:47
...It's possible to do empty post just using the ALT+255 (without any tags around them). So adding three or more time: ALT+255 will make an empty post/topic.
I'm not sure if you can repeat it here on our forums? Because it seems to be a case which this thread was started from and which hopefully we have fixed in the version 2.2 (see: Updates list -> "empty post" issue update).

Here we talk about a bit other issue which affects now other symbols.

Author tom322
Active Member
#26 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 11:15

Author tom322
Active Member
#27 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 11:16
I'm not sure if you can repeat it here on our forums?
Yes, I could do it as above (doing 3 times: alt+255)..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 16 Sep 2008 03:58
Oh yes I see now, you are right.

Well, it seems PHP function doesn't trim such kind of "spaces" because they are not spaces actually. They are specific symbols which are just not visible on the screen in the certain encoding. If you switch this page to UTF-8, you will see these symbols some way appear.

I think it's definitely not our problem to fix this, and as I wrote earlier, it's the same case as if user posts improver content on this board which is possible to fight only with standard moderation methods.

Author tom322
Active Member
#29 · Posted: 16 Sep 2008 14:46
If you switch this page to UTF-8, you will see these symbols some way appear.
That's strange and that explains it when one can clearly see posted characters in different encoding..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#30 · Posted: 17 Sep 2008 02:37
That's not strange, that's logical. In programming there is only one code which reserves the space symbol, and this code is #32. So if you type Alt + 32 it's the same as you press space button on your keyboard. Other symbols are not spaces at the time they may look so in some encoding.

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