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Disable images

Author trintalk
#1 · Posted: 13 Oct 2008 13:50
I've been searching around the web and the forums for a fix to disable images in miniBB. Recently one of my forums has been hit by porn spammers despite having the CAPTCHA plugin installed, so I'd like to disable the option for images completely. Can anyone help?


Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 13 Oct 2008 21:18
From bb_codes.php file you could remove the [IMGS] and [IMG] tag codes in both encode and decode functions.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 14 Oct 2008 02:26
Additionally, don't forget to remove the IMG code button from templates/main_post_form.html.

Author Guest
#4 · Posted: 9 Nov 2008 03:33
hi guys this solution make me cannot add a smileys in my post ..
then i enable only [IMG] tags on my bb_codes.php

but a "smart user" still can use bb codes to add images using this code

and i thinking of change the bb code from [img] to another tags such as [abc] or [def]
but i cant edit it its javascript in form.js isn't ?

can anyone give me a clue or solution :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 10 Nov 2008 04:23
You can edit everything you need with no limitations under GPL license terms, if you mean that.

You can't disable images and use smileys add-on at once, because Smileys add-on uses [img] tags and smileys are actually references to images. For making that happen, it's probably needed to rewrite Smileys script in general, letting is use not [img] code, but straightly converting smileys code to HTML.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:17
Addition: I have had an idea/workaround on it... You can modify [img] or [imgs] codes so they allow only images loaded from your own forums URL. As smileys are placed on your local server, they should work (as well as it would work for any images placed on your own server).

Example (enCodeBB function of bb_codes.php):

/* [IMGS] tag code - with fixed width and ALT */

$pattern[]="#\[imgs\](http://".$GLOBALS['main_url']."/([^<> \n\r\[\]&]+?)\.?(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)?)\[/imgs\]#i";

/* Old [IMG] tag code - without fixed width - this one is used for smilies */

$pattern[]="#\[img\](http://".$GLOBALS['main_url']."([^<> \n\r\[\]&]+?)\.?(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)?)\[/img\]#i";

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