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Mass-Delete topics add-on released

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 04:54
Mass-Delete Topics add-on allows to delete many topics quickly just checking the boxes, which should appear for admin/moderators under Topics listings. That way the moderation of your board may be completed in a much faster term.

Screenshot of the mass-delete topics add-on

Deleting many topics at once will work like you would remove topics separately with all related add-ons stuff affected, for example, with all attached files if you have File Attachments add-on installed; or a Poll, if you have Polls add-on installed and there is some Poll attached to the topic which may be allowed to delete by a setting rule. Messages and topics amount will be re-calculated after deleting of each topic, so if something interrupts on the way, it shall not affect forums in common.

When you check-out the boxes, the add-on will load all processes in an iframe, so you may watch the progress right away.

This add-on is released in quite experimental version and will not be available to test on our demo forums (we are afraid that all topics on demo forums will be quickly deleted then ;-). Also in the current version, it has an embedded English interface only, no separation by language packs.

Additionally, I personally do not support the idea of deleting a topic without even looking what it's about. However some of you may find it useful, so you are welcome to download and install it for you very own purpose.

It could be specially interesting for AJAX fans, because it uses some "AJAX", i.e. dynamic JavaScript techniques. But it doesn't include any of the AJAX huge classes. It executes very smooth and fast, as everything in miniBB.

Author Persian
#2 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 15:06
thank you so much mr.paul...

Author Persian
#3 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 17:45
Is there Mass-Move Topic replace Delete?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 4 Sep 2008 03:26
There is no mass-move function, but it all depends on your sponsorship. It can be developed upon a little investment.

Author Vishal
#5 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 00:32
Thanks a lot for developing and releasing this addon Paul. It was much needed for large forums like mine.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 4 Dec 2008 04:21
This world never misses our great sponsors and supporters :-) This add-on is now extended to have Moving function as well, which would help you to organize forums in a more quick way. Here is the announcement.

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 Mass-Delete topics add-on released
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