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Search both topic and posts in selected forums

Author Vodicka
#1 · Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:05
I have already implemented forum limited simple search in respective forums.

Forum and topic bound search
(So not the "topic bound search" but only "forum bound" search ).

Please see the example here:

Click on the words "Hledej ve foru Liposukce" under the table heading "Liposukce" and try yourself.

But the search is set to look only in posts by default! Users are confused. I need to search both: Topic title and posts at the same time.

How could this be implemented?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:59
Searching both by topics and posts can't be implemented in miniBB. Read for more.

If you care about your content, topic's title should contain most important keywords. Here is how your SEO works.

Author Vodicka
#3 · Posted: 17 Dec 2008 10:49
I had alerady read the topic you refer me to before I asked my question.
Searching "everywhere" would be useful (and time saving) for admin and moderators sometimes. At least for those I know in person :-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 18 Dec 2008 01:54
As it's mentioned in the thread, such searching is impossible with the current tables structure (well, it's possible, but SQL requests would be quite heavy - and currently I see there is much bigger effect when you search within topic titles only). We would need to introduce additional "index" table which will keep the united content. It's a lot of work, a lot of database, and basically I don't see sense in it. In that case install Yahoo or Google search to the website, because it would be much more efficient then. Re-inventing the bicycles is not really the thing we are supposed to take care of...

Author Vodicka
#5 · Posted: 18 Dec 2008 04:46
In that case install Yahoo or Google search to the website
We do have Google as "simple" search for average user and miniBB search as advanced search for more seasoned users and moderators.

The use of Google search for moderators is limited because it indexes pages with several hour lag and they sometimes need to find something real quick - usualy some rule violation. The forum is quite big now.

Anyway, I see your point though and regard this issue as closed. Thank you!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 18 Dec 2008 05:01
I suppose moderators and advanced users should not be confused because they all *must know* about default forum features, incl. advanced search (or how do you trust the moderators if they even don't know how to manipulate the software? ;). So I suppose too, we could close the subject, of if you have any useful suggestions, continue the topic I mentioned above... thanks.

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