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Forums Checker

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Author Vodicka
#31 · Posted: 18 Dec 2008 06:57
I believe those users who are watching the forum will find and use this tool anyway ;-)
You talk about your shoes, Paul. They wear their own -:)
We dont want the popup window. In fact most people I know hate it. I will try to solve it by myself...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#32 · Posted: 18 Dec 2008 08:49
You talk about your shoes, Paul. They wear their own
That's true, but how much are they, do you know it? Have you counted it? ;) The same way you are wearing yours...

Author Bernadette
#33 · Posted: 29 Nov 2009 05:54
When I try to add a Topic ID to the favorites, I get this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function addGenURLPage() in /.../forum/addon_checker.php on line 286

In addon_checker.php files at the line 286 I have:
if(isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) $urlp=addTopicURLPage(genTopicURL($main_url, $val['forum_id'], $forumTitle, $key, $val['topic_title']), PAGE1_OFFSET+1); else $urlp=addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$val['forum_id']}&topic={$key}", PAGE1_OFFSET+1);

Another problem what I can't resolve: on the Checker's list, the list of topics from the forums that I have selected were not displayed.

I am attaching a screenshot of the problem.


How can i fix it ?

Thank you very much,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#34 · Posted: 30 Nov 2009 14:09
It seems you must to ugrade your miniBB version. What version do you have?
The add-on works only with the 2.4 or later.

Author Bernadette
#35 · Posted: 30 Nov 2009 17:04
I forgot, but I have checked in bb_functions.php: Latest File Update: 2007-Nov-29

I don't want to upgrade now, can you help me to correct these problems, here? If not possible, I prefer to discuss with You by email, for a paid suport.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#36 · Posted: 1 Dec 2009 03:40
Your version is 2 years old. What do you expect from the security of your board?..
The only way to let it work is to upgrade. No other issue could be implemented.

We could upgrade only some functions needed to run for this add-on, for that case you may contact us privately. But we could provide only paid service on it.

Author Bernadette
#37 · Posted: 1 Dec 2009 23:43
Thanks. :)

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#38 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 15:12
Hi Paul,

In a set up where the forums are divided into public and private areas, does the forum checker tool take into account the type of users logged in and reveal/hide certain forum sections accordingly?

To save system resources, can the forum checker be made only available to moderators (and admin)?

With thanks -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#39 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 16:33
In a set up where the forums are divided into public and private areas, does the forum checker tool take into account the type of users logged in and reveal/hide certain forum sections accordingly?
You can check it on our forums. We have 5 closed forums here. Under Checker's options, I think, you may choose only the forums you have access too.

To save system resources, can the forum checker be made only available to moderators (and admin)?
Yes, it's easy to set up.

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 Forums Checker
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