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How to stop dynamic menu items from disappearing

Author Vodicka
#1 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 10:49
Having installed virtually all add-ons i have problems with menu items /(inks in horizontal menu) disappearing while "inside" some add-on.

Let me shoot screenshots and describe the situation in details.

Author Vodicka
#2 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 11:00
Horizonatl menu after signig-in

The same with whos online

From Left to right:

Name (as link to profile), Logoout, Change settings, PM, Checker (two links), and whos online.

This is the way I like the menu and would like to keep it stay put.

Author Vodicka
#3 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 11:08
When I click on link "change settings" I lose this particular menu item, see screenshot:

Setting disappeared

Author Vodicka
#4 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 11:10
When I click on PM, I loose: Profile, PM, and Whosonline, see:


Author Vodicka
#5 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 11:13
When I click on Checker (I use two links one to forum and one directly to favorite topics), I loose: Profile and Whosonlione:


Author Vodicka
#6 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 11:15
Question: Is there any way I would not lose any menu item anytime? I want everything be in the same place at all times.

Thanks! Any help highly appreciated!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 04:48
I think it depends on how correctly you have installed those add-ons. If you can't repeat the same on minibb demo page, following our forum rules, I have nothing to say regarding your custom case.

Author Vodicka
#8 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 05:19
Of course that I can repeat it there, I go from home

to manual:
and lose polls and sign-up links for example.

That is terrible behaviour - such an inconsistency

I remember some notes in addon readmes about some "orders of installation" or something but simple advice how to proceed when ALL add-ons are in place would be more than handy.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 08:36
Manual case on the demo page is a bad example because manual there is a custom one. Actually it's even non-core file, so logically some code may be lost. This is not the repetition of your own case.

I have asked our partners to fix that index file now, so it currently lists all links mentioned, but I don't know how to fix it in your own case... Actually in bb_plugins.php which breaks execution of the main code, may "lose" a link. So you need to watch all plugins statements and probably move one up to another and vice versa, or may be apply something similar, I don't have an idea.

Author Vodicka
#10 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 08:48
I don't really understand what I'm supposed to prove here. Is this a court trial? :-) You either accept there is a flaw in the ointment or not. Then you are willing to clean it or not. It us absolutely just up to you.

Go to polls
And I lose polls and sign-up.

I go to (whnen logged in ) to PM

and lose link to PM

This is 1996 behavior, sorry...

And the Checker is not there at all so I cant show it here even if I bent myself over and around.

Author Vodicka
#11 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 08:53
An here? Right here?

When in in Checker:

I see all links.

When I go to "Forums"

No-o, I dont see all links anymore :-(

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 09:49
You either accept there is a flaw in the ointment or not.
I have no idea what ointment do you mean. There is no flow.

Sign-up disappeared because it is not a regular Sign up menu, but Disclaimer add-on. I have asked our friends to move it a bit on top of other add-ons, and now it works. The same you need to apply with your stuff. A little bug on their side, ok.

When you are in PM, logically you don't need the link leading to PM, because you are in already. When you are in Polls, you don't need the link to Polls, because you are in already. You don't need this menu anymore. Mini-concept. Got the idea?

Checker is not installed on miniBB demo, but the principle of menu building it uses is the same. I didn't understand what do you mean in your last post.

1996 behavior? Show me another software which does it better way.

If you don't like how menus are build dynamically, make your static version of all menus available in the header.

Author Vodicka
#13 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 10:42
flaw in the ointment
Sorry, this should have read fly in the ointment :-)

"...small defect that spoils something valuable or is a source of annoyance..."

Author Vodicka
#14 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 10:49
If you don't like how menus are build dynamically, make your static version of all menus available in the header.
But I need register form to be visible to logged out users and all links staying put for logged-in ones.

Pleas try sometime some "software" like Picasa, youtube, facebook, flickr,...

The higher the goal the better man. If you decide from top of your table that your soft is just perfect, you are doomed... It will be 2009 soon.

When you are in PM, logically you don't need the link leading to PM, because you are in already. When you are in Polls,
You are terribly WRONG here. People need consistency. Ideally, when you are in PM, th PM menu item should not be active as link but is should be there, like this

checker | pm
checker | pm

I did not ask for this ideal solution as I felt that this would be too much to begin with.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 22 Dec 2008 11:07
It's all possible, you can build whatever custom menu you want - if you know programming of course. If you have everything listed on paper, what should appear and in which order and where, this could be very quickly programmed.

I'm not a fan of social networking sites you mentioned, as well as I'm not a fan of any social networking in general, and my software is about it: don't be fooled by the dictatorship of majority. Make your personal choice. Make your life easier and happy.

And my software is scalable enough to customize it hundred different ways.

So we need to talk here not about my software, but about a custom change in it, which so far requested by you only, and this is just a subject of the custom work for you, not for me.

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 How to stop dynamic menu items from disappearing
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