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Profiles Checker add-on released

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 12 Mar 2009 05:30Reply Quote
The forum content consists not only of topics and messages, but also of member profiles. Nowadays it's important to "keep an eye" on all profiles, because graphics and textual information (URLs, signatures, free-type fields) attached to the profile, may contain harmful information.

Our next-step add-on gives an opportunity to verify member profiles on the board: as soon as somebody updates the profile, it goes into the checking queue, and should be checked by forums administrator or moderators with the necessary action taken, if needed.

The add-on is also bundled by default with such profile add-ons like Avatars, Signatures, Photo Album and allows to control this information as well, amongst default miniBB fields.

The current version of the add-on has English interface ONLY and the embedded HTML. If there will be big interest and a lot of improvement suggestions, we consider to work on it further. In the current stage it's already run and working on Latvian Girls forums, which also have initially sponsored its development.

Releasing this add-on we assume miniBB now has everything to effectively run, maintain and control any size of forums in a speedy time, thus keeping a lot of customization possibilities. Welcome to the most flexible forum software on Earth ;-)

Download, install for your forums, and let us know your opinion!

Author kuopassa
#2 · Posted: 14 Mar 2009 07:21Reply Quote
Excellent plugin! Thank you very much for this. There's one thing, which is pretty frustrating, and that is that when this is used for the first time, it lists every single profile. There should be some kind of a reset button. I mean, when I have ~2000 users then it means 2000 clicks to be made in the first place. ;-)

Perhaps there's a way to insert a time stamp to the txt file that tells the script from which point on the users should be listed in the first time?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 14 Mar 2009 11:51Reply Quote
Perhaps there's a way to insert a time stamp to the txt file that tells the script from which point on the users should be listed in the first time?
Still, there is a better way - just go through pages navigation and reset it at some place, clicking "Check" next to the profile you think defines the verification point ;-)

Author kuopassa
#4 · Posted: 14 Mar 2009 21:34Reply Quote
Well, that was a simple solution. Works perfectly. Thanks very much!

Author Prince
#5 · Posted: 28 Aug 2011 00:04Reply Quote
Profiles Checker add-on released
I'm gonna use it also, Is there any way to check user's IP when user sign up?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 29 Aug 2011 12:43Reply Quote
You may check up this solution:
Saving IP address used during registration
It's not built-in miniBB...

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 Profiles Checker add-on released
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