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Sub Forums?

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 29 Sep 2005 02:42
Anyway to make a forum within a forum?



etc? If there is can someone show me how. Ie a module to download of some sort? Thanks!

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 29 Sep 2005 10:24
This exactly - no. But you have a possibility for a supertitle for a group of forums:

Supertitle: COMPUTERS
Forums: A, B, C etc.

You can see it here on the front page of this board: the forum "qwerty" is separated in a different group. This way you can have as many groups as you want.

Author gare
#3 · Posted: 2 Sep 2009 13:27
What if we would like to have forums by COUNTRY as a main group, then by STATE, PROVINCE, or XXX within the Country, then by CITY?
California (SUB)
San Francisco (SUB SUB)
Photovoltaic (SUB SUB SUB)
San Bruno

South Dakota

Is there a way to add as many sub forums as we want, or within reason, even if we must pay for the modification?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 3 Sep 2009 04:34
In miniBB there is currently one level of categories (specifically they are not even categories, but "forum supertitles" which provide the simplest way of forums view on the front page), and what do you have in mind is impossible.

First of all, for a "simple" forum it's too difficult structure. I can't even imagine how it would look in the intermediate pages for example. For example, this topic has the browsing links on top:

miniBB Community Forum / How To /

In your case, it would be let's say

miniBB Community Forum / California / San Francisco / Photovoltaic / Batteries

It won't even fit the page in some cases.

My advice would be to pay more attention to the forums content itself, rather than to categorization. Occasional visitors are usually lost in such complicated structures, which is not suitable for discussions at all.

Modification is impossible in that case, because it would mean to rewrite the many core files of the software. It's too difficult, and it's not the purpose of our software actually.

Author gare
#5 · Posted: 3 Sep 2009 08:40
Thank you Paul.
So much of what I actually provide to others is in a multi-level categorized format, so I need to adjust my thinking when it comes to this. Just because we may easily visualize the appearance does not make it an easy implementation.

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 Sub Forums?
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