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A moderator account may have been used to delete a lot of topics, is there any way to find out?

Author Ojlert
#1 · Posted: 4 Oct 2009 13:20
Someone caused a mess in my forum by deleting a lot of topics.. I have several moderator accounts on the site. Is there any way of knowing which one was used to delete the topics? Is there any other wayto know how it happened?

It could also be a technical glitch, has there been any occurrences of lost posts? But probably it's someone using a mod account.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 5 Oct 2009 04:09
First of all, make sure you have the latest release available. In the past there were many bugs which allowed SQL injections. There were no "occurrences of lost posts", but somebody may use an old bug.

Second, always do back-ups of your database. Then intrusions like these won't be so critical.

Third... miniBB doesn't log any information regarding topics deletion. It's mini. If you assign moderators, make sure you do this for proper people. It's a very common administration mistake when full mod rights are assigned to the person you don't know personally.

Author Ojlert
#3 · Posted: 5 Oct 2009 11:37
I have a few people as mods who've been around as mods for years..

I guess SQL injections should be able to delete topics and stuff like that..

Yes maybe I should upgrade.. Thanks for the reply.

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 A moderator account may have been used to delete a lot of topics, is there any way to find out?
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