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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 10 Feb 2007 12:12
Can the preview button be used in the PM section?

- Check on minibbtest and you'll see it can.

Author caca
#17 · Posted: 15 Jul 2007 00:19
Can the preview button be used a "image button" ?

Author Sergei
#18 · Posted: 17 Jul 2007 16:42

<!-- Preview button -->
<input type="button" value="Preview" class="inputButton" onclick="previewMessage();" />
<!-- /Preview button -->

<!-- Preview button -->
<input type="image" src="http://your_image_path" class="inputButton" onClick="previewMessage();">
<!-- /Preview button -->

in the main_post_form.html template

Author caca
#19 · Posted: 19 Jul 2007 17:24
thx now work fine for me :)

Author harootun
#20 · Posted: 2 May 2009 18:22
Minor bug with Preview and Private Message add on --

If you're typing a private message to send to someone and haven't put in a title and click on the preview button, the preview pop-up window comes up but it's blank.

I duplicated this behavior on the demo site.

It works fine if there is some text in the message title.

Granted, people generally shouldn't preview messages without a title, but there should be an error message or some such thing, no?

Author tom322
Active Member
#21 · Posted: 2 May 2009 20:22
If you're typing a private message to send to someone and haven't put in a title and click on the preview button, the preview pop-up window comes up but it's blank.
It's blank because user won't be able to post the message anyway and it indicates there's something wrong. I think it's a good and accessible feature.

Obviously there could be different scenarios like missing title or title too short or to long, missing message body, message too short or too long, etc. - the blank page covers it all and makes the code nice and clean :).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#22 · Posted: 4 May 2009 03:10
Yes, I also confirm it should work that way - else we would really need to implement a lot of scenarios. Actually such scenario as you described most often appears via testing by the site owner, but let's not forget that users are not testers and in most cases they will type in the topic title before previewing.

Anyway it's also possible to modify the add-on on your own, where it first says exit; you could put your own error message code.

I will consider to improve the add-on so it reports something "human" if something is wrong, however I can't say when it happens :-) I have too much jobs for now to pay attention to that.

Author controcanta
#23 · Posted: 30 Sep 2009 11:47
hi, i recently install the forum with the smilies, the preview and the files upload plugins.
is there any way to make preview window showing smilies? the preview window doesn't do it, and i've been searching in this forum a solution but i cannot find it

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#24 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 03:30
Study README for add-ons more carefully :-)
Here is what the README for Preview add-on says:

If you have smilies or badwords plugin, or both, paste the code mentioned AFTER codes for these addons; else they may not work properly in preview mode.

Author jontrac
#25 · Posted: 29 Oct 2009 01:50
This is such a great addon. It should be implemented into MiniBB by default.

Author astass
#26 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 07:00
Tell my how to make the preview to work for Private Messaging.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#27 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 08:44
Study README for Preview add-on. It explains everything regarding PM add-on.

If you are using (paid) private messages addon, paste the code mentioned BEFORE the code for private messaging addon; else Preview will not work in PM message forms.
No other special actions are required, if you have installed it correctly, it should work in PM section automatically.

Author astass
#28 · Posted: 25 Mar 2010 08:40
It works if using Compiler's version of the software. However if you download the file separately, under addon_pmail_options.php there are no added code fragment to the $loginLogout setting. It should look that way:

$loginLogout='<input type="button" name="submbut" value="'.$l_pmSend.'" class="inputButton" tabindex="5" onclick="JavaScript:submitForm();" /> <input type="button" value="Preview" class="inputButton" onclick="previewMessage();" />';
I.e. you shall add this string to $loginLogout to let it work with PM.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#29 · Posted: 25 Mar 2010 09:14
Well, there are different installation methods of this add-on.

Under Compiler, we use the a "difficult" method, it is when the "Preview" button is located near the "Post" button on the right side. In that case, if you would do this manually, you would need to edit 4 templates instead of just 1.

Standalone version of Preview add-on offers the installation method when this button is placed on the right side of the posting form itself. Installing it that way, you need to edit just 1 template (templates/main_post_form.html) and it will work in PM add-on with no additional actions required.

So study READMEs more carefully, and use all the power of Compiler to achieve best looking results ;-)

Author jmcwebtrip
#30 · Posted: 13 Apr 2012 14:36
I have a problem with my forum there is a messagge on the top

/* Preview addon */ if(isset($_POST['prevForm']
) and $_POST['prevForm']==1) include($pathToFiles.'addon_preview2.php'); /* --Preview addon */
Could you help me?

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