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"Resizable" Posting Text-Field

Author jontrac
#1 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:44
Hi Paul,

I'm thinking about whether it is very hard to make the posting text area "resizable"?

Example: At the bottom-right of the text arena, there is a "+" and a "-" sign. Whenever we click on the "+" sign, the textarena will expand for something like 5 more rows?

I find this pretty useful, especially for posting long articles.

Author jontrac
#2 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:28
I've found this plugin. It seems pretty nice.



However, the javascript's size is pretty heavy.

Another One:

CC Paul: I know that maybe you would not like this feature. However, out of these two, which one would you pick? :D

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 08:49
I personally like the first one better and it could be useful indeed. Even though I'm sure web browsers will have this feature by default soon (it's already by default on chrome)...

Author jontrac
#4 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:29
There are addons for Firefox as well. However, since there are still many members using IE, it is good if we can make things easier for them.

I've just implemented the 1st one to my forum. It works really great. :)

Thanks for the comment Tom.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 14:10
The most important thing is that you could already implement the above provided solution(s) into miniBB ;-)

I think I won't say my opinion on it, because we're trying to build-in only very native JavaScript in miniBB. I guess this is not the feature every member would need. If we would count on every feature like this, mini would become maxi very quickly.

Author jontrac
#6 · Posted: 13 Nov 2009 19:49
That is true. MiniBB should stay on with its root purpose as much as possible. All of these addons are just to satisfy personal needs. :)

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 "Resizable" Posting Text-Field
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