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File and Image Attachments

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Author Danny2000
#91 · Posted: 11 Dec 2009 04:15
Viewing images are just for registering users.. so is it possible also for other files?
like pdf file I made it for admin and Mods only.. but even the download is possible for guests..
is there any solution?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#92 · Posted: 11 Dec 2009 04:41
If you set

as it says in the comment, "all saved files available for everyone; else big images and binary attachments available only for registered users".

Currently there is no destructive solution regarding allowing certain types for admins or moderators only. For this you might need to modify add-on's core file. A lot of changes should be applied to bb_plugins.code as well.

Author Danny2000
#93 · Posted: 11 Dec 2009 06:24

for adding unknown file type..

I just uncomment the line in bb_plugins2

and Uploaded the file.. but nothing happened.. it just showed empty white page with my address, like: (white & empty page)

don't know what's wrong I did..


and also when I set $origFileExt to "False" it works just for registered users but when download it.. after downloading it says the file is invalid (it won't open) also for Images and other files..
I did same setting as you write in ReadMe..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#94 · Posted: 11 Dec 2009 13:27
don't know what's wrong I did
So I don't know as well ;-)

I am also not sure why do you have this problem with .mbb extension. May be it's related to some hosting issues. Without seeing your server I can't say what's happening. On my side it all works.

Author Danny2000
#95 · Posted: 11 Dec 2009 14:12
So I don't know as well ;-)
anyway thanks..
I am also not sure why do you have this problem with .mbb extension. May be it's related to some hosting issues. Without seeing your server I can't say what's happening. On my side it all works.
It works with .mbb extension.
I mean if I change $origFileExt: false it works just for new uploaded files.. not old files..
Old files can be downloaded but with error (not valid file)..
so I mean if I do that, old uploaded files will not work.. just new uploaded files work.
that's all :-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#96 · Posted: 13 Dec 2009 05:00
Yes, it will work that way. How could you imagine this - you modify the plain options file, then the other processes should work - how? ;-) You could rename files only manually... or program special script for that.

When you set-up the add-on, you must choose at the very beginning what kind of options will you use. It provides many options, but you must plan your forums well to achieve best results. It's not the thing when you change your mind and the system changes its "mind" together with you.

Author Danny2000
#97 · Posted: 13 Dec 2009 05:04
Thanks Pal..
Ya I did it manually into .mbb extension.. now everything is fine.. ;-)

Author Danny2000
#98 · Posted: 14 Dec 2009 10:11
I added this:

for adding new upload array:


but it doesn't work I tried just "rar" also.. but still doesn't work..
could you please tell me what's the problem?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#99 · Posted: 15 Dec 2009 03:45
Different browsers may interpret different file types differently.

The RAR type as you provided, will work only in Mozilla Firefox and Opera. Under Internet Explorer, it's defined as 'application/octet-stream' (and by this type are also determined many other applications, so it may be dangerous to set it up that way).

Author Danny2000
#100 · Posted: 15 Dec 2009 05:14
so it may be dangerous to set it up that way
How about if I make it like this.. (just for admin and mods) ?

if($logged_admin==1 or $isMod==1) $uploadTypes['application/octet-stream']=5120000;

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#101 · Posted: 15 Dec 2009 05:28
It's up to you. I provide no warranties on that.

Author wilkinsmd
#102 · Posted: 27 Dec 2009 20:17
I just downloaded and installed the file upload add-on. It seems to be working OK. However there is one small glitch. If the user tries to upload a file without entering any text in the post/reply, it generates a pop-up with the $l_forbidden variable "You must be logged in to post to the forums."

I do not allow unregistered users to post, and in fact the post or reply box is not even displayed unless logged in. So, the user is logged in. But the wrong error message is getting should instead say something like "You must enter some text with your image."

Any ideas?

I am running minibb 2.4 and have the captcha and 1st page news add-ons as well.

Second question: How/where can I get the little file upload icon along side the icons for bold, italic, URL link like you have here on the minibb support forum?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#103 · Posted: 29 Dec 2009 03:35
How/where can I get the little file upload icon along side the icons for bold, italic, URL link like you have here on the minibb support forum?
It is another add-on called "File Bank".

Here you may find a solution I've posted to work out the specific error messages when you're trying to post an empty message.

The specifics of posting an empty message is related to the core of miniBB, not this add-on. It will give you the same errors even if you don't have this add-on installed.

"You must enter some text with your image" text is already present ABOVE the upload Browse fields. For dumb users you may enter it in large red letters, it's up to you.

Author Guest
#104 · Posted: 8 Jan 2010 13:13

I folowed all the steps including 777 permision for both folders and enctype="multipart/form-data" for all 3 files, but I can get upload the files.

It is created folder "1" ./shared_files/uploaded/1/ but there is nothing.

Any idea what could cause the problem.

Many thanks for replay


Author Guest
#105 · Posted: 8 Jan 2010 16:25
Problem fixed, safe mode was on, I turned it off

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 File and Image Attachments
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Install the File and Picture Attachments add-on: extend your miniBB-forums, attaching images and files.