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"Thanks" Button

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Author astass
#16 · Posted: 5 Dec 2009 10:53
Yes, this is what you need. It is vbulettin I saw this

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 7 Dec 2009 03:36
Now imagine 1000 users say "Thanks". What's next? It will take more space than the thread itself. And how about back-end for this feature? Administrators probably are allowed to remove some votings... etc. It's not a couple of coins feature.

Also, comparing to vBulletin... now let's investigate if this website uses a legal vBulletin license which costs more than $100 yearly. Does it?..

Author Nalinith
#18 · Posted: 13 Dec 2009 15:25
If your talking about that website... yes it does. All their sister sites do as well.
The most users it's ever had online at once was 2,059.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#19 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 03:11
Ok, it may have more than 2 K of users, and only 2 of them used this feature? ;-) Not an effective feature I must say ;-)

Author astass
#20 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 07:10
Here I argue. Sometimes one does not need to write a complete message. Simply put you can THANK YOU. This button is handy. Practice shows!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#21 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 10:32
If the button is handy for 2 users from 2,000 - it's not the feature I'm usually supposed to work on.

Even if we count on the users which found a useful reply or advice, it doesn't make anything useful for the forums themselves. Forums are content. This feature doesn't add the content. It only add some subjective rating (yes, it's very subjective because pressing the button doesn't mean somebody really thinks it's helpful, and such "thanks" buttons could easy become a fake). On another hand, if we introduce "positive" ratings, we also need "negative" then.

But the most important moment is - this feature should be opened for everybody. Not just for registered users. If we make it for members only, it is 100x reduced in efficiency then. Imagine that you found the answer or advice on some forums, which became very useful for you, but you do not want to register to just say "thanks"... most probably if this is opened for members only, the person who really "checked" the reply, will go away with no trace.

This is all is a fake feature. It's not even a feature... it's the feature you saw in other software and think it is useful, and the time you don't have enough of facts to prove it. At the time the feature needs a lot of development and engineering.

Author astass
#22 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 11:33
If the button is handy for 2 users from 2,000 - it's not the feature I'm usually supposed to work on.
That's right, the visitor, too, could participate. Thank you once he can push. One thank you for one post. This is an additional option which involves people in disksii. Party does. Although there are different opinions.

Author tom322
Active Member
#23 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 11:40
It's a possible scenario that 10,000 users use this feature and:

5,000 are "Positive"
5,000 are "Negative"

In result we are at the same point because the result is: Neutral :. 10,000 unnecessary operations and resources and we are still at the same position :).

Author astass
#24 · Posted: 17 Dec 2009 07:18
It's a possible scenario that 10,000 users use this feature and:

5,000 are "Positive"
5,000 are "Negative"

In result we are at the same point because the result is: Neutral :. 10,000 unnecessary operations and resources and we are still at the same position :).
Life is not always obeys mathematics. In practice, 50% / 50% rarity. And the load does not catastrophic. But it gains users gives. Reviews are good.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#25 · Posted: 17 Dec 2009 07:25
Exactly. Reviews are valuable, not ratings. If you just say "thanks", it's not meaningful, because even those who didn't try the advice or solution, may say thanks as well. It's the same as you would put one smiley instead of writing the text. It's nothing.

But only some free-type text may show the educational level of the writer, or situation where this advice has been applied. That's the question of the qualified forums (let's not forget we have a forum software, not ratings software).

Author Nalinith
#26 · Posted: 22 Dec 2009 18:28
I'm not pushing for it or anything, I just knew what the OP was talking about. But, as you can see it's not a popular feature or requested feature for those of the miniBB community, so someone isn't likely to create a modification for it. The OP most likely will have to pay for someone to code it.

Author Dusky
#27 · Posted: 24 Apr 2011 15:13
Anyway... you may check the related thread... it has been already discussed, and I owe the add-on which allows to collect votings for a topic. It's a paid add-on. I don't have anything related to the voting per message.
How much does it cost and where can I download it?
And thanks for the great forum software! Love it!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 26 Apr 2011 04:05
I would sell it for $25, it's not possible to download, it's kind of exclusive stuff only for those who really need it. Get us in touch directly and send your request.

Author Prince
#29 · Posted: 13 Jul 2011 08:53
In some forum I've seen instead of thanking like: Paul, Dusky, bla.. bla said thanks.. it's like.. 5 persons said thanks..

if it just shows the number not names.. if 1000 people cliks on thanks button it just shows 1000 persons thanked... :)

and beside it there be a button to show who siad thanks on a pop-up window. like smiles pop-up window.

if it's possible also.. I could buy this add-on also :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#30 · Posted: 13 Jul 2011 10:37
It's all possible, but I can't develop the add-on just for two people.

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