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Firefox not displaying bbs_default_style.ccs

Author lesdelc
#1 · Posted: 26 Dec 2009 09:00
I am using the Firefox browser v. 3.5.6 and it will not load and display bbs_default_style.ccs.

When I try Google Chrome and Microsoft 8.0.7600 browsers they load and display the bbs_default_style.ccs correctly.

How can I get the Firefox browser to load and display the bbs_default_style.ccs?

Les Campbell

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 26 Dec 2009 10:20
bb_default_style.css - try that

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 26 Dec 2009 11:19
What is that? Where did you get this file and what are you asking about, actually?

Author Guest
#4 · Posted: 26 Dec 2009 13:01
What is that? Where did you get this file and what are you asking about, actually?
bbs_default_style.ccs is part of the files for minibb. I downloaded from I extracted the files to a folder called forum. In forum is directory is bbs_default_style.ccs.

MiniBB uses bbs_default_style.ccs to display the style sheets for its presentation of its documents. Each browser uses the bbs_default_style.ccs to display its presentation of MiniBB. However the Firefox browser cannot display bbs_default_style.ccs and therefore renders the HTML without color or formatting.


Author lesdelc
#5 · Posted: 26 Dec 2009 17:08
Hi Paul, I had to brush up on my CCS. I managed to resolve the problem. All is well.


What is that? Where did you get this file and what are you asking about, actually?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 29 Dec 2009 03:17

It's bb_default_style.css.

You must learn being more careful. You have 3 typos in one word.

Not a wonder you did something wrong and blame the software.

Even if you fixed something on your own, it would be a real pleasure to know what exactly. Else it looks like you have given the question, answered it on your own, and created just another garbage thread on our forums. What a nice deal.

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 Firefox not displaying bbs_default_style.ccs
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