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disable duplicate email address checking

Author John Dobson
#1 · Posted: 15 Jan 2010 04:46
in my forum, it is possible for two users to have the same email address (because they share the same job, which is quite common). How do I stop the duplicate email address checking on user registration? Is there a php line I can comment out?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 15 Jan 2010 05:20
It's a very unwanted action when in our system you will have duplicated email addresses. Specially if you have enabled email notifications on board.

However it's still possible to disable... In bb_func_regusr.php try to remove the part of the condition which says

and !db_simpleSelect(0,$Tu,$dbUserId,$caseComp."({$dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]})",'=',strtolower(${$dbUserSheme['user_email '][2]}))
In bb_func_editprf.php try to remove the code which says

if ($rowp=db_simpleSelect(0,$Tu,$dbUserId,$caseComp."({$dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]})",'=',strtolower(${$dbUserSheme['user _email'][1]}),'','',$dbUserId,'!=',$user_id) or (strtolower(${$dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]})==strtolower($admin_email) and $user_id!=1)) $correct=4;

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 disable duplicate email address checking
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