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miniBB is under worldwide competitors attack

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#31 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 03:04
The only difficulty with torrent tracker is that I don't know what it is ;-) I only heard about couple of times about torrents and I know my friends are using it. I don't have ideas what they are about, and... how this tracker may be related to forums? I.e. how could we tie up forums and torrents together and what for?

why not put donate button here paul
You mean - in this thread? :-)

I think under Premium Support section we already have why we don't ask for donations.

Not like many other free projects, we don't ask for donations... we prefer to earn.
So... until we're able to earn something, we would work and get paid, not just ask ;-)

I also think 1 dollar means nothing in terms of support. If you transfer $1 via PayPal, we will get about 0,80 on the other end. So, getting at least $5 is something worth, but we already have it...if you want to support miniBB, purchase Captcha - it won't be that like you are giving the money simply, but also get something else instead...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#32 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 03:06
well, they say limitations and slow code. when it was started then? may be in the minibb 1.x era? ;-) And they add "miniBB is one of the lightest and fastest bulletin board scripts out there". that's for your testimonial. choose any part :-)
Yes, probably this saying is about miniBB 1.x, I don't regret our first version was very initial, experimental and basic. But I wouldn't say now we have a slow code, or some limitations. I also wouldn't say BBPress beats now miniBB in that case. I choose the second statement. ;-)

Author astass
#33 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 04:42
The only difficulty with torrent tracker is that I don't know what it is ;-)...
Can save you time searching.
If he'll take, I'm your))) ideas I have very very much :-) forum ;-) IPB :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#34 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 09:54
The only difficulty with torrent tracker is that I don't know what it is ;-)
That was my immediate question too ;) And I still don't know if 'torrent tracker' relates to donations or to forum code or anything else..? :

astass - could you write in one sentence what it is and how it works? Links to general forums don't help me (especially that I don't understand Russian any more ;).

Author h4n5
#35 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 13:21
Not for this thread Paul :-).
You can make a different page for that.
"Donation : consider for $1" it's only for example Paul, rather than just show "Donation Button", and yes $5 are more worth.
I think there is nothing bad about asking people to donate, well they use the script.. right. And if they made profit from that script, ex: by putting advertise link, backlinks, selling product, etc. so why not share some profit with the man behind all this. ;-)
I will looking forward for that captcha as soon as I finish my website and integrate it with minibb forum.

(sorry can't quote, I send this messange from cellphone.)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#36 · Posted: 19 Feb 2010 03:35
I would agree to tom322 - first of all, I would like to know, how miniBB and torrent tracker could live together? Why this add-on would be needed?

Author astass
#37 · Posted: 19 Feb 2010 04:57
I will not provide links to Wikipedia and Google. ;-)
So! Why do it?
1) It is popular now.
2) It extends the forum, because it attracts new users.
3) There is an opportunity to exchange files (movies, programs, and so on)
Disadvantages :-(
1) It gives the server load
2) It should be very familiar with php and other web programming languages to make the optimization

This module can be done has been possible to disable it.
It's like a version of the proposal.
Sorry for bad English

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#38 · Posted: 22 Feb 2010 02:35
I'm not sure we need to support pirated networks and programs. I've read today that Russia Government stopped domain ;-) So as always, everybody wants to make money, but we prefer to make it *legal* way.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#39 · Posted: 24 Feb 2010 03:59
I've just read in news that Wikipedia will get $2 million from Google, as Google's "Latest Philanthropic Interest".

Oh well, now I know what that kind of "philanthropy" means. Pure business. Big electronic digits called "money".

Author gare
#40 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 10:54
Is it not yet time, for you who are able (definetly not me), to develop a competing site to sites such as wicked pee de uh? How about or Of course, wicked pee de uh should be included with a proper definition.

Author gare
#41 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 10:58
fairpedia and openpedia were both taken, so I grabbed fairtoall and opentoall....wanna use em?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#42 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 05:30
I am not sure why would we need those domains ;-)

Author gare
#43 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 06:29
You do not. Thank you for commenting so politely about not needing them. or was merely an angry grasp at retaliation, but it would be a time waster.

I think as many have stated, you merely disregard what takes place within other sites, such as wikipedia, and move forward. Obviously, those who use minibb have little concern for what others opt to say or, in this case, opt not to say.

Author Guest
#44 · Posted: 28 May 2010 11:37
I don't think you guys are a competition to anybody.
Not saying here that your forum is bad or something.
But first of all is missing friendly installation feature.
And then it is missing tons of functions that are very usefull.
This is more like a shoutbox with forum like view.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#45 · Posted: 28 May 2010 13:33
But first of all is missing friendly installation feature.
And then it is missing tons of functions that are very usefull.
Until now I don't understand what do you mean. Could you be more specific, please?

I thought we have the most quick installation as possible. It's not like Wordpress "one-minute-famous" installation or something like this. It takes couple of seconds to get forums up.

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 miniBB is under worldwide competitors attack
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