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miniBB Compiler

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 27 Jan 2010 10:12
Every programmer's dream is to program a program, which will program a program.

Now we have to announce it: miniBB compiler is the tool which allows to built-in your custom miniBB package on the fly, including most popular and all premium add-ons, as well as some security options.

If earlier you could spend hours of embedding all external functionality add-ons, or pay a fee for that, and it was not simple for non-coders to get into bushes of installation routines, now it takes couple of seconds to make your choice and get the bundled package on output.

I hope with this move, miniBB may enter the big software's competition. And even more: so far I don't know the software, which allows to optimize the program such custom way at the very initial stage before installation. Mostly, all programs have embedded their options into the core, which makes the copies of the software not effective for a simple need, at the time when somebody would need only some pretty easy options enabled, and count on every option which affects the performance. So there is actually no competition regarding this feature. miniBB is really The First in that aspect.

I personally had a dream to see it in action for a long time, since 2008, and I'm glad I was able to program it during few past years. That's why this day is very important in the history of miniBB development. It's not only the first final of the big work, but also the day when I really feel released.

My personal recommendation is to use the Compiler even if you don't plan to include a lot of options in miniBB, because it sets up all security options, such as renaming mySQL tables and admin panel's filename on-the-fly. We will keep Downloads page in the older style, but it may be rather used for upgrading certain add-ons or core separately. Use Compiler for creating a Unique copy of miniBB exactly for your, or your customer's forums.

Premium customers (that means, any buyer which purchased at least one of the Premium add-ons) are allowed to create unlimited copies of compilations bundled with the certain version of this add-on, until it doesn't exceed the download limitation.

Enjoy our revolutionary tool and follow miniBB. Feel free to report any bugs or problems you may meet - we're at the very initial stage of testing it. Feel free to make your suggestions.

Cheers! :-)

Author kuopassa
#2 · Posted: 27 Jan 2010 20:56
This is nice surprise. I've put out word in my blog about this tool. Hopefully this compiler will bring more people to miniBB so that new community made plugins and stuff will rise.

Author jontrac
#3 · Posted: 28 Jan 2010 01:25
Great work Paul! This is a big forward step of MiniBB. ;)

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 28 Jan 2010 12:36
If it works exactly as intended (I'm sure it does) then it's impressive and much helpful for users.

(even though on the other hand if I had this auto solution a few years ago I wouldn't probably know 20% of what I know now after doing it manually ;-).

Author Guest
#5 · Posted: 30 Jan 2010 19:13
[error codes removed]

Author Guest
#6 · Posted: 30 Jan 2010 19:17
As you can see there's a problem in multiple topics action addon.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 1 Feb 2010 03:20
Thanks, fixed that and hopefully now it will work. Please check again.

Author Rock
#8 · Posted: 19 Feb 2010 22:22
Paul, once more trouble with compiler

Warning: rename(./compiler/compilations/02d7c0d68875e4c8506930202548ea86/bb_admin.php,./compiler/compilations/02d7c0d68875e4c8506 930202548ea86/) [function.rename]: Not a directory in /home/minibb/public_html/compiler.php on line 1825

But I've downloaded the package and it seems work fine (i'll be testing it now)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 22 Feb 2010 03:44
Thanks for the point, I hope we have fixed it now. It was probably happened because you have used a forbidden character when specifying filename for the admin panel. It went with the error, so you have to fix $bb_admin setting of setup_options.php manually... but I hope it won't repeat anymore.

Author Rock
#10 · Posted: 23 Feb 2010 00:25
It went with the error, so you have to fix $bb_admin setting of setup_options.php manually
yeah, I've already fixed it.

One more little "bug": I was trying to set up all tables (also as admin panel) by default value (without any digits in the end) and it has been compiled with digits. I think it is not so difficult to edit it manually but for some people it could be unpleasant surprise.

Thanks and regards,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 25 Feb 2010 05:55
One more little "bug": I was trying to set up all tables (also as admin panel) by default value (without any digits in the end) and it has been compiled with digits. I think it is not so difficult to edit it manually but for some people it could be unpleasant surprise.
It is supposed to work that way. You must rename tables and admin panel's file name making them different from default. You must do it. It's a security question. In the compiler, all default values will be changed automatically, if you do not change them manually.

Author harootun
#12 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 22:27
The Compiler is AWESOME!!! It's going to make updating so much easier. Wow. Very, very impressive!!!

Any chance you'll add mspell? It's the only thing I'm missing -- not a big deal to add manually, just thought I'd ask.

This is the most amazing thing in terms of getting the forum just the way you want it with no effort!!!

Author harootun
#13 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 23:29
Sorry. Now, of course, I have a question. What is the setting in the compiler to get the "Check to watch this topic and get updates by email" to be set up?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 04:16
We don't support mSpell anymore. Any progressive browser has spell checking build in. This is how actually spell check should work - as you type. Checking it through a form which requires a very special PHP library installed, is a waste of time.

What is the setting in the compiler to get the "Check to watch this topic and get updates by email" to be set up?
It's not actually Compiler's setting :-) We can't include each and every miniBB setting into it.

You should have all miniBB mailing options enabled for this checkbox to appear. I.e. under setup_options.php, there should be set:

$emailusers=1; //(or 2 - depends on the emailing language, read manual for more details)

Author harootun
#15 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 06:49
Ha! I agree about mspell. I actually took it off of my forum, but then many users complained, so I had to put it put it back!

Thanks, Paul!

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