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Private Messages

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Author harootun
#46 · Posted: 13 Apr 2009 08:16
Thanks, Paul. As usual, worked perfectly!!!

Author kuopassa
#47 · Posted: 9 Aug 2009 06:18
I have figured out how to include private message's content text to email notification. That can be done by inserting tag {$postText} into template called email_pmail_notification_eng.txt*, but this is not a perfect solution. Problem is that all line breaks are shown as <br /> tags. Also whole private message is included with this, so if message is very long, email notification becomes also fairly large.

My question is: Is there a simple way to strip line breaks and put a limit to character length in this?

*) Depending on language this can be something else. If private message plugin is using English, then name of this file is email_pmail_notification_eng.txt.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#48 · Posted: 10 Aug 2009 03:26
There is a build-in-the-core variable called {$pmNotificationBody} (available from the PM add-on's version 2.3.3) which you may try to insert in the aforementioned template. This should be a post text with all specific HTML stripped off. However there is nothing else available in the current version except this variable... actually the purpose of any forum program is to force users visit the website (i.e. click your banners, ads and earn for you), not to read something immediately and waste your resources just because they want it...

Author Lizard
#49 · Posted: 22 Nov 2009 05:16
When I Send a privat message to a member, I get this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function convEnt() in /.../forum/addon_pmail_send.php on line 353
but the mail is sent.

In addon_pmail_send.php files at the line 353 I have:

When I log in as a member and send alert to admin (forward the private message), I receive the same error in a popup window.

Also the email notifications for private message is not working.

Can you help me to fix these problems?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#50 · Posted: 23 Nov 2009 04:10
convEnt is a function which was introduced in miniBB 2.2, in the file bb_func_txt.php. Most probably you run the version which doesn't have this function, so you have to upgrade your main forum script. Also, the latest version of PM add-on is compatible only with the latest version of miniBB.

Author Danny2000
#51 · Posted: 2 Dec 2009 04:40
How Can I Disable viewing IP by Moderators in Private Massaging Section?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#52 · Posted: 2 Dec 2009 05:01
This could be done only destructive way.

Look up by 'action=viewipuser' string in addon_pmail.php.
The condition will list

if( ($user_id==1 or checkModerator($mods,$user_id)) and isset($pmIp) and $user_id!=$cc)
Remove checkModerator function:

if($user_id==1 and isset($pmIp) and $user_id!=$cc)
P.S. It's Messaging not Massaging add-on ;-) It's not performing a Massage.

Author Danny2000
#53 · Posted: 2 Dec 2009 05:26
Thanks Pal..

LOL.. it was typing mistake :-p

Author Prince
#54 · Posted: 30 Apr 2010 07:59
I don't want moderators see User IP's in PM Alert.. I mean when some one Alert (Report).. User IP shows for all moderaters in PM Alert..
How can I disable it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#55 · Posted: 3 May 2010 05:07
Moderators are allowed to see the IP address not just when the PM is sent as an Alert, they see them also in any regular message (by the way, reporting system is also based on the core message sending, there is nothing special). Moderators also see regular IP addresses in any message on forum.

It can't be changed on the optional level. Assign moderators to trusted people only, that's the best solution of this task.

If you want to hide IP addresses in Private Messages for moderators, open addon_pmail.php for editing, search for `$viewIP` and remove moderators condition like here:

if( ($user_id==1 or checkModerator($mods,$user_id)) and isset($pmIp) and $user_id!=$cc).....
-- remove all parts in bold.

Author Prince
#56 · Posted: 3 May 2010 08:17
Now Moderators can't see IP in PM.. but for alert still they can see..
thanks ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#57 · Posted: 3 May 2010 08:24
Alert is fully the same type PM as the regular message, as I wrote. The condition is the same for both cases. So I can't understand the nature of your problem, unfortunately.

Author Prince
#58 · Posted: 3 May 2010 08:45
OK I got it, and I removed "Report" from Posts.. that's OK now.. ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#59 · Posted: 3 May 2010 08:51
OK I got it, and I removed "Report" from Posts.
Honestly, then I don't understand the nature of your question. You wanted to eliminate only IP address for Moderators. Removing "Report" link completely disables that feature.

Author Prince
#60 · Posted: 8 May 2010 04:48
Honestly, then I don't understand the nature of your question. You wanted to eliminate only IP address for Moderators. Removing "Report" link completely disables that feature.
Cus of my situation ;) I don't want anyone see users IP, even Moderators.. I did those things as you said, but I disabled "Report" link.. because if some user reposts something still moderators be able to view IP in PM alert.. so that's why I removed it ;)

PM Alert Shows User IP

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