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Alternative to GD-based Captcha: solving math questions

Author Gadget
#1 · Posted: 12 Nov 2008 18:37
Hi, and thanks for the nice forum software.

I needed something like CAPTCHA against spammers but didn't want to set up GD, so i wrote a small&dirty addon, which simply asks mathematical questions like "how much is four plus two" from guests who try to post messages or register.

This isn't fool-proof, but might at least slow down most of the spammers, especially if your forum is localized. As a plus-side it might also block users who are too drunk or stupid to post anything anyway ;)

Download link

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 13 Nov 2008 03:48
Thanks for sharing this stuff with us. I've checked it and it works for the basic version of forums, i.e. for posting message/topic by a guest and registering (still, don't forget our premium add-on also protects some add-ons like Polls, File Bank, Contact-Us form etc.)

I think you also should mention the user needs to enter a digit only, not answer with a human word.

From the technical point of view, it would be good if the add-on is included only when it's necessary. Now it's included every time when the forum page is loaded, thus for logged users and in those places where "human detection" is not needed at all. Also may be it would be good to separate language in a special language pack, would be more comfortable, but that's up to you :-)

Thanks anyway, it's a good work and a good alternative to the GD-based add-on.

Author andreasm
#3 · Posted: 13 Dec 2008 05:18
Thanks for that nice addon! It works like it should and protects me from much spam :)

Here is my german translation:

/* Human detection addon language */
$hd_title='Human detection';
$hd_explanation='Beantworte bitte die folgende Frage, um zu beweisen, dass du ein Mensch und somit kein Spambot bist:';
$hd_question_pre='Wieviel ist';
$hd_characters_required="Antwort bitte in Zahlen, nicht in Buchstaben.";
$hd_operations=array('plus','minus','mal','geteilt durch');
$hd_error='Die Antwort war leider nicht korrekt. Bitte gehe zurück und probiere nochmal!';

Author Guest
#4 · Posted: 26 Mar 2009 12:49
This addon not work with New Configurable Topic Form addon:( In main forums page after new topic form i can't see captcha form:( What fix this problem?

Author Roller
#5 · Posted: 2 Jun 2010 01:30
Thanks Gadget, simple solution and I think it will do the job. I just added it to my miniBB forum, let's see if it stops those annoying spammer.

Author Roller
#6 · Posted: 2 Jun 2010 20:40
One other thing I want to say, thanks to Paul for miniBB it is an excellent bulletin board. Very simple and easy to customise unlike the others which are very functional but bulky. I guess for someone like me playing around and modifying stuff miniBB best suits me.

What I don't understand is why Google doesn't show the miniBB web site in the top of the search results for miniBB !!! Very odd, I like many other users of miniBB have kept the links to on our sites. Does Google have something against miniBB??

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 3 Jun 2010 03:11
We all suspect Google lowers miniBB ranks and displays lowered amount of search results by some purpose, like they do for many other sites. You may read few proposals in this thread. Anyway it's a Google business, we have our own ;-) So far the ship is keeping its direction...

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 Alternative to GD-based Captcha: solving math questions
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