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synchronizing forums with login data from master website

Author sebo
#1 · Posted: 2 Jun 2010 12:17
The situation.
I need to be able to let members from my website access miniBB forum without need of relogin, but using their login data from master website?
My approach is little bit different than the synchronizing manual example you have on your website.
The difference is that I don't wan't to join forum DB and website DB for security reasons, and possible errors with the website.
I will keep miniBB DB structure the way it is originally.
I will write function in main website for every user registering to duplicate values into miniBB user DB
miniBB admin will exist only in miniBB DB.
Admin will only use link from external site (ex.
And will always have to login.
The question.
If I use the session or cookie to pass from main website to miniBB forum, with user data, and be automaticaly allowed as member, without the need of separate login(as they already did in master site).

Will this approach return errors from your code?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 3 Jun 2010 03:07
It will return errors if you program them :-)

I think it's possible approach, but very-very difficult to achieve. You must be not just an experienced coder for that, but a professional coder. And as always, duplicating data will bring a lot of problems in the future.

That when miniBB synchronizes with existing users table, is not a coincidence. This is much safer, faster, stable way. It doesn't make things insecure.

Author sebo
#3 · Posted: 6 Jun 2010 04:51
Hey Paul.
I did it.
Only one thing that it was trowing me off was admin.
I was connectiong to very secure website and it was giving me some session destroys on the way.
But I got it going.
And it works like a charm.

I was able to keep separate databases for master website and miniBB.
When user logs in to the website his user is checked for duplicate in miniBB DB, if not found it was creating one. For that i had to turn off auto_increment on user table. It is being incremented in master DB.

Question here... if I add field at the end of users table for keeping separate auto_increment,
will it interfere in anyway with your code?

Anyway after login to master website user gets tagged with session specific for miniBB.
Admin has its own separate folder with copy of the forum.
This copy uses cookies and is integrated to the miniBB DB.
To keep users out of here i insert dumy password in miniBB DB. so they are never able to login from here with their own info.
Thats pretty much it.
I have test/debug it for about 3 days and it does what i need it to.

Hey man you got any sort of script for adding moderators instead of going to the script and edditing it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 7 Jun 2010 03:43
if I add field at the end of users table for keeping separate auto_increment,
will it interfere in anyway with your code?
Just set up $dbUserShema's indexes of setup_options.php properly - miniBB should work fine with any fields order and positions.

Admin has its own separate folder with copy of the forum.
This is kind of weird thing you definitely did wrong. Now what? For upgrading the forum, you need to upgrade 2 copies. Basically, I don't even understand why you need the second copy just for the admin.

It just seems you are doing a lot of noise on your own instead of buying 3 hours of our work and avoid any problems in the future :-) Anyway... it's your business.

Hey man you got any sort of script for adding moderators instead of going to the script and edditing it?
We don't have any tool for that so far.

Author sebo
#5 · Posted: 7 Jun 2010 11:10
Hey if it was up to me, I would definitelly do it different, but there is another programmer that works on the master site, and I am basically trying to connect to it, and so far his code was resetting all my globals(sessions,cookies etc)
he didn't wanted to change anything in his code so I had to find ways around it.
Admin worked fine in the same directory, but there was a possibility of one approach that was reseting variables right after login.
Since other programmer didn't wanted to do tweaks to his code I was forced to find any solutions to it.
And copying it to different folder worked without errors.
I would definitelly let you fix it for me, but turnaround with the payment is too long.
If I paid you today and was sure I have the code tomorrow, that would be fine, but with this check2go payment you use, i figured I have it done on my own before payment even clears.
So that is the reason.

And about updates...
I don't really care for it, cause this forum is used on closed intranet website, not available to the public, And customer didn't really need any additions to it.
But if there will be mandatory updates, like to compatibility issues with future systems etc...
We will charge them enough to fix that.

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 synchronizing forums with login data from master website
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